(insert a badass chapter title)

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We arrive at Dell's house with Starbucks in hand, I was happy to know that his Dad was going to out of town, business trip or something. We walk up the stairs since the elevator was broke, eight flights of concrete stairs later we make to his apartment, it was simple, white walls and white marble floor gave it that clean, sterile, feel to the room. The room was rather large, the living room larger than my apartment alone.

"Nice place" I comment, nodding my head.

"Thanks, uh, my room is this way" he waves us forward to his room. His room is very grayscale, monotone, gray, white, and black seem to be his main colors of his room with a splash of dark green every now and then. The was bigger than mine, I didn't mine though, I like my rooms small. I see picture of a woman on his wall, the letters across it spell "ATHENA".

"Big fan of Athena?" I look back at him.

"Big fan of Greek mythology in general, I go to this summer camp where I uh learned alot about of Greek shit" I nod, Sam comes back with the bags that we brought here.

"T-thanks, for the, h-help, t-those stairs, killer" his says between gasps for air. I toke my bag from his hand, sitting it on the top bunk.

"What do you guys want to do first? Games? Movies?"

"Define games" Sam asks.

"Smash bros, Among us, or I have multiple horror games"

"Horror for sure" I say, scrolling through my phone nonchalantly. They both nod heads, heading off to bring whatever game station he has into his room. They walk back in with  three laptops.


"Yeah, I was recently playing Phasmophobia with my friends from, uh, the camp, I was talking about and thought it be cool enough for guys" I nod back.

"Is this game really scary or just kinda, eh scary?" Sam asks, opening one of the laptops.

"It's like "shoot you into the beyond" scary type shit" Just my type. I smirk at Sam knowing he hated a good jump scare. I look at the background of the laptop, seeing a woman standing by a crystal blue lake with Dell. It had to be along time ago, Dell wasn't has tall as he is now, maybe 4 or 5.

"Oh yeah, that's my mom, Minerva, at that camp I was talking about, Camp Half Blood" he tenses up, looking pale.

"Cool" I say, waiting for Dell to sign into my laptop.

"Why Half Blood?" Sam asks as he pushes over laptop showing that he needed help from Dell.

"Um, just kinda a cool name, maybe advertising?" He shrugs, sliding Sam's laptop over to his lap.

"And okay, you guys ready to get scared shitless" I nod smiling. Sam shakes his head violently. My smile drops as I see the Ares Baton half-staff thing attached to my backpack, I swear I didn't attached staff to my bag before I left. Hmm, weird.


We played multiple games the rest of the night, Smash bros, Among US, which I was best at, imposter wise, Phasmophobia of course, I had to admit, it was pretty fucking scary, good concept though.

I sit back on the couch as the boys continue play Smash bros. I shake my venti Dragon Drink, trying to get the left over pink drink to come up my straw.

"Fuck you and your Peach "HHHHYYA" thing"  Dell says tapping on the controller buttons furiously, Sam hands gracefully gliding to the buttons he chooses.

"I'm telling you, girly characters our always better" Sam puts his remote down after demolishing Dell's Marth, grabbing at the snacks at the table.

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