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It was a fogging morning now, the light coming in little lines through the wood posts, I slept beside Sam just to make sure he wasn't messed with. I through my baton up and down, questioning my mother's decision making, like, what the fuck was she thinking. Did she not know? I wonder if he kept it as a secret that he was a god.

"I didn't" I loud voices rings in my head, I knew it! I'm going insane! I'm in some fucking coma or... I'm I dead?

"Dramatic much? You're not dead, or going crazy relax, kids" the man's voice continues.

"C-can you h-ear me?" I grab my head, hands drenched in sweat. Having a voice in your head was fantastically weird, like having really nice headphones.

"Can I hear yo- of course I can! I'm a fucking god, Ares, hellooooo? not ringing a bell?" He mocks my voice. I was kinda shock of how... human he sounded. I was expecting like, Morgan Freeman. He held a little rasp to his voice, probably a smoker. 

"s-she knew about you then" I lay back down, getting myself ready to learn a bunch of info.

"Why wouldn't she!?! She figure me out pretty quickly after we started dating, she was always one to figure shit out, you know " I nod, knowingly. Mom was literally a genius, when I was little, she knew, what I was about to do before I did it or thought about it, so that makes sense.

"I... Never dating a woman like your mother, ever, and that's comparing to Aphrodite and you know who Aphrodite is" He sighs.

"So do you talk to ALL your children like this" It wasn't a question, it was a stab.

"If it makes you feel any better, I never cheated on your mother while we were together and no, no I don't, I just figure, she deserved it" He rushes out.

"I'd had actually planned, with her, to move up to Olympus then she had you..." Great, I messed it up, he gonna say, "Then she had you and I kinda through her away, chile, anyway so"

"And I knew this was it, this was a family, a real family. I was going to give up my place as God of war, which in hindsight, would have been put her in a hard place"

"What about your siblings, you have siblings right?"

"If call that a family, you have mental problems

"So you were really gonna give up your spot?" Sam was awake, staring at me like I was psycho. 

"I was ready, I let myself catch actual feelings, which I would NOT advise you do in the future, but anyways, I was going to take a lower status and let her be the God of War"

"Damn, you fell hard"

"Reeeeeally hard" He chuckles.

"I never talk like this to anyone, so, you know..

"Keep it secret, got it, say that you were as bitchy as I predicted" I nod. I related to the fact that he never let people see the happy him, happiness showed weakness.

"That's my boy"


 The words rung in my head more than the rest did, I stare blankly up at the roof. Tears running down my face, I hold my face up, trying not to let them flow. I swipe them away with my forearm.

"VJ, what's wrong?" Sam finally speaks up, still not out of bed. 

"Nothing just, just realized something" I stand, turning away from him, wiping away left over tears. I grab a tissue, turning around and smiled at him, he stares in shock at the emotions that were on my face. 

"Heyo VJ, time for your tour, Sam, you're up! Wanna come too?" I nod at Sam, reassuring him nothing would happen while I was there.

"Y-yeah sure, let me change though" He stands up, still in his shredded white t-shirt. Dell nods back at us and leaves the room.

"Who were you talking to?" Sam asks as we go to get changed.

"Riiiight you fainted, so like my birth father is..." He leaned forward with interest of a child, I sighed.

"You know, I'll tell after the tour, so you don't faint again" He nods with laugh.


We head out of the room, the dark fogging forest consume us, you couldn't turn left or right without seeing a pine tree or a piece of nature. I could see the sunrise beams in the misty air landing on my skin. The people around us were quite the opposite of the scenery, they are swinging around swords and axes, some were shooting bows.  

"Heads up!" I see in my peripheral vision a blur of movement coming my way, I put my arm up to block whatever was coming my way, it hit my forearm and drop to ground, it was a ball and it was obviously been thrown at me by group of teenagers, my age and younger. They had that mean look to them which was usual my look. I look down at the ball and smile at them, I pick it up and motion to them if they wanted back with sick smile on my face. They nod, I turn around and drop kick it into the lake. The lake immediately pulls the ball away from the camp. I decide not question 

"Just wanted to let you know, that's my other... you know" I tilt my head.

"Children?" I question, already knowing the answer.

"Um, yeah so...

"If your expecting me to make friends with my 'siblings', don't" I was still a tad bit mad at him. I really didn't know why I was mad, but I was.

"You probably won't be able to make other friends beside your siblings

"Wonder who's fault is that?" I cross my arms.

"Mine, totally mine, but, it will be hard to make friend OUTSIDE of the Ares cabin, just saying"

"ok, I'll that into consideration" Sarcasm dripping off my words, Dell waves us over.

"Good reaction time" Dell says.

"Huh?" I tilt my head, not hearing his word clearly.

"You have a good reaction time, another sign a child of Ares" he nods his head approvingly

"Child of Ares?"

"LET'S just get on to the tour, shall we?" I push Dell and Sam forward. We went through the training grounds, strawberry fields, the dining hall, the cabins that you were sorted into, the capture the flag forest, it was all so exciting in my opinion, Sam had some doubts, which makes sense, he was the most shook up about the events.

"What about my parents, do they kno-" Sam lean close to a slightly annoyed Dell.

"Yes, they know your here, Sam" He rolls his eyes.

"Val, what about the tournament, for volley?" He turns quickly right into me, eyes wide with caution.

"I'm sure we can work something out with Brunner"

"Who's Brunner" I point at the centaur, that was talking to some kids. He notices us and waves.

"Oh, the horse thing"

"SAM! Not horse thing, a centaur" I smack him on the arm, he rubs his arm, muttering a apology.

"Hehe horse thing" Ares speaks up.

"What the hell did you get me into, Mom?" I restrain a smile, putting my hands over my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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