Chapter 3: Distractions at Dinner

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~hey muh fellow readers, i finally updated nd i'm not particularly fond of this chapter. I seriously have no time to upload, since i have a lot of really imporrtant exams coming up and it's hard to upload, so, sorry bout that :/

But here's the 3rd chapter>>

Copyright © 2012 Queanna Julien. All Rights Reserved.

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Chapter 3: Distractions at Dinner

This was torture. Drew kept boring holes into my face while I ate. I stole a few glances at him, only to see him still staring at me with those green orbs and then a scowl would appear on his face. Jerk.

"So Quinn, how are you enjoying the estate grounds so far?" Mrs. Johnson asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, its wonderful and really a lot to take in," I replied with a smile.

"I'm glad you like it" she said. I took this moment to scan the faces in front of me. Noticing how Drew looked nothing like his father. He's got his mother's eyes and her hair, while Mr. Johnson had dark hair and brown eyes. I noticed the way his hair fell into his eyes making him look so .... A moan escaped my lips. I mentally slapped myself. Everyone's eyes flicked to me. Shit.

"Wow, this food is really good" I forced a spoonfull into my mouth to prevent questions and looked down avoiding everyone's eyes. When I looked up, a knowing smirk was on Drew's face. I quickly looked away. Anther mistake. My eyes met Peter's. He was looking at me questioningly. I shrugged.

"Drew," this time it was my mother talking, "what year have you reached in Ridgewood?"

"I'm in sixth year, as of next term" he replied respectfully. Well would you look at that, he actually has manners.

"Well, Quinn is going into fifth next term, we aren't really familiar with this system, and I was wondering if you could help her get familiar with her classes and so-"

"Mum, no-" I interupted immediately, but Principal Johnson was already talking.

"No Quinn, it's fine, this is a good way for Drew to get a little bit of responsiblility in his life."

Drew and his father were glaring at each other now. Both of them not daring to break their stares. I could literally feel the tension in the dining room, and it was not comfortable.

Then I did the unexpected, which I seemed to be doing a lot lately.

"Uh Drew, can you show me where the bathroom is?"

He was still shooting daggers with his eyes at his dad. As if he hadn't heard a word I just said.


"It's upstairs" he managed to hiss out.

"But your house is really big and I don't want to get lost, so it would be so much better if you just showed me the way yourself?"

More silence. Just when I though my plan wasn't working, Drew shot up from his seat and started up the stairs. I got up and hurried to match his pace.

Soon enough we were walking through the corridors of the Johnson home. I fell into step with him and held his arm pulling him to a stop. WOW he has great biceps. 


"I don't really have to use the bathroom you know"

"Then what!" he said annoyed.

"What was that with your dad back there? Are you OK?" I asked hopefully.

"Why do you care!? Who do you think you are huh!?" he was shouting in my face now. "I don't need your pity" and with that he walked away into the huge corridor and into what I asumed to be his room.

Who do I think I am? Who does he think he is?! All I was trying to be was nice, and it just blew up in my face, literally!! Ugh!! He is such a fu-

Ok calm down Quinn, he is just a stuck up prissy little rich boy and is not worth your time. I took a few deep breaths to calm my temper and the urge to punch him in his pretty face. I turned around and headed down the stairs to enjoy the rest of dinner.

Thanks for reading!!

Vote, comment and follow please!! It helps me to uplaod more once i get a lot of feedback. :) bye for now!! XD

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