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Well I'm back...

Sorry for the no updates family time. Reminds of Blackpink's one year hiatus. 


previously in "Why Me"

Tae and Yoongi were going to smash but Tae's mother ruined it leaving Yoongi to escape down the drainpipe. Jennie is pregnant with Felix's baby. (she doesn't know).


Yoongi was a little dazed after landing in the flower garden in a heap but otherwise he was fine. He didn't even look back and ran all the way home. 

On the way home he thought how foolish he had been and how unsexy and how much of a turn off he was. Taehyung left Jennie because of me, he thought. 

How is he even gay? Yoongi questioned. He is literally so straight. Not that he was complaining or anything. 

With these thoughts leading him on he didn't realise he had ran deeper into NoJam Avenue. (Taehyung's street) 

(I also just learned that the meme of Namjoon saying "Jimin you got Nojaems" means Jimin you are no fun in Korean... *shocked face*)

Yoongi punched himself mentally and retraced his steps to go home but he was stopped by a long, messy haired teen who Yoongi immediately recognised as Hyunjin...Yoongi's bully.

"Gay twerp" teased Hyunjin. 

"Go away Hyunjin", mumbled Yoongi.

"Going to the gay strip club?" laughed Hyunjin.

Yoongi thought of his mother's words of ignoring teasing but he was blocked by Hyunjin's croonies. Changbin, Felix, Yuna and Lisa. Yoongi avoided eye contact and ran the other way. Hyunjin's croonies was about to chase after him but Hyunjin stopped them.

"Let the twerp run... we'll get him good when school starts". 


"But mummmmm", whined Taehyung.

"No Taehyung, you are not going out until you explain what this vape is doing on the ground"! 

"It's not a vape mum!"

"Your father with hear about this" she dramatically exhaled. "You know what I can't even look at you right now." Stay here until your father comes home... And and and... tidy your pig sty of a room! she finished clearly very satisfied with her scolding session. 

"Mummm it's a blimmin USB"! pleaded Taehyung

"Lies, Taehyung what has that Jennie done to you, I knew you getting a girlfriend would be a huge mistake but your father never listens. "

Taehyung ran after her mother when suddenly he remembered he didn't have a girlfriend anymore... he had a cute, cuddly boyfriend. Plus he was suddenly bisexual. He didn't know if it was d*ck, porn or Yoongi for the matter that converted him but he knew for a fact that he wasn't straight anymore. Thinking of Yoongi he remembered Yoongi's terrified face as he slid down the drain pipe. Taehyung thought about how his mother would of reacted if he saw him in bed with a boy. All hell would break loose.


Yoongi waited it out in a blackberry bush until Hyunjin and his gang were gone. Getting up from his crouch he suddenly felt a slight tug on his shirt. 

"Heyyy-!" he began when he realised it was Jungkook. Yoongi hugged Jungkook and was just grateful for such a loyal and protective friend. They always joked that they should date but Jungkook had started liking Jimin. 

"You were literally in the middle of No-Jam avenue for the past hour and I got so worried. Jungkook and Yoongi had a GPS tracker of each other on their phones kinda like Snapchat maps but between best friends. 

"Thanks Jungkook, you are the best thing thats happened to be since the opening of Taco Bell in our town." 

"Thats where I used to work remember and where we met girl. You always came for a cheesy burrito with no onions and pineapple juice when you were sad. I felt so sorry when you cried and decided to talk to you. I'm a lifesaver, I know."

Yoongi hugged Jungkook out of no where awkwardly and Jungkook pushed him away.

"Dingbat save the loveliness for later, tell me about your first time with hunky hunk Taehyung."

"I-" Yoongi was lost for words. This was going to embarrassing.

Once they reached Yoongi's house Yoongi had finished the story with no interruptions by Jungkook. Jungkook's face morphed slowly into disappointment with each word Yoongi said. 

"It's ok Yoongi, you guys have plenty of time" comforted Jungkook.

"What do you mean lots of time Jungkook, today was the last day of summer holidays."



Don't worry I will start volume 2. Hope you liked this book. 

Love you guys for the support and almost 300 reads....THAT IS AMAZING.

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