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Now it's time for the real deal.

Actual smut so BE WARNED.


"Arrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhh, how could Taehyung do this to be Felix!?" screamed Jennie as she paced around her room after watching the secret camera in Taehyung's room.

"He's acting like he has forgotten about me already- ugh I feel nauseous", said Jennie as she ran to the bathroom.

Taehyung's room.

"I know you have had a crush on me since I met you which is so cute", teased Taehyung.

Noooo Taehyung can't find out about his kindness kink as well. As long as he doesn't find out about his masturbation kink and big d*ck kink it'll be fine.

"You were weird but I actually liked taking care of you to be honest", laughed Taehyung. 

"I got to go", whispered Yoongi attempting to slide off the bed. However Taehyung pushed him back down and held both of his skinny arms down on the bed. 

"Is this rape?"thought Yoongi.

"I know you want it little kitty, I saw how you were looking at my cock the other day when I was jerking I bet you're cute cock got so hard", teased Taehyung. 

"Crap how did he know everything", thought Yoongi. Yoongi desperately avoided eye contact as he was confused why Taehyung liked him back. No one ever liked him back. he was too pale, his face was big, he had weird eyes and he didn't meet the beauty standards. But no matter what he was bursting with happiness. Manifestation really works wonders. 

"I'm tired of talking", growled Taehyung, changing tone. Yoongi squirmed but it only made Taehyung more mad and determined to claim Yoongi. Yoongi's arms were no match for Taehyung's strong ones anyways.

Taehyung with his arms tightly binding Yoongi he made his way to Yoongi's neck ghosting and kissing all around as Yoongi began to tense and relax as Taehyung worked his magic. Taehyung though would make an exception to go gentle since it was Yoongi's first time. Yoongi looked away as he could not bear the pressure but Taehyung clutched his chin and turned it towards him. 

"I want you focused on me the whole time, like a good kitty you are", said Taehyung, a compliment mixed with an intention of a threat.

"O-ok, daddy", said Yoongi, unintentionally however he had to admit he was getting very turned on. To be honest as a horny teen most things turned him on. Including just looking at Taehyung's face. 

"Aha I knew you wouldn't disobey me my little baby kitty", teased Taehyung once again. Yoongi was about too combust with all the nicknames but he really liked them even though he still couldn't process the face that he was about to get railed by a hot guy that he met the other day at a swimming pool. 

Yoongi was to busy thinking that he didn't even realise his shirt was off and probably thrown half way down the Mariana Trench which was where Taehyung probably wanted it to stay. Taehyung still was constantly working his way down. Taehyung in the inside knew that Yoongi would be a big hickey mess the next morning but Taehyung didn't care because right underneath him was his future husband that he could do this with every single day. 

"~Aaaaa", whimpered Yoongi for the first time. He really couldn't hold it in for any longer. He felt something wet in his underpants. But within seconds Taehyung was getting closer to his most sensitive part, his nipples. 

"Mmmmmmhhaaa", moaned Yoongi as Taehyung began licking kissing and biting his nipples with his gums. He was such a tease. It was embarrassing because his voice always went high in times of pleasure on the edge of breaking. However Yoongi didn't know that Taehyung had a moaning kink. The stuff in the p0rn he watched just didn't sound as satisfying as Yoongi's. Thats why he found himself unbuttoning his skinny jeans as his bulging d*ck could not be trapped for any longer. 

"H-h-here let me help", stuttered Yoongi surprisingly. Yoongi unzipped Taehyung's fly and his bulge well...bulged dangerously close to Yoongi's face. Taehyung was impressed, he could get used to this...A slave. Like himself some of Taehyung's babies had leaked out and was soaking his sexy boxers. 

"Crap I discovered another kink, sexy boxers", thought Yoongi. (please help me keep track of how many kink's Yoongi has.

Within seconds however Taehyung was back to Yoongi's nipples and to Yoongi's disappointment  Taehyung made his way further down towards his soft tummy with a slight definition of abs.( Yea he gave up working out a couple summers ago ). 

"OMG so sexy and cute I'm going to exploded, you have such a tiny waist for me to hold and such an appealing body that I can't wait to explore", complimented Taehyung while Yoongi blushed under the weight of the compliments. This boosted his self-esteem just a little as he was used to be either too skinny, too fat etc.

"You ready to take my d*ck baby boyyy?"asked Taehyung.

"Y-yea", replied Yoongi secretly very excited, and extremely horny. Luckily Taehyung has one of those underpants that has a hole in the middle. (Idk if you guys know but the hole you cant really see normally but during sex...;))Which meant Yoongi could continue building up to his orgasm with all his kinks. Like he seriously wanted to touch himself and relieve himself before he came hands-free. 

"Can I trust you to not run away?", asked Taehyung his eyes suddenly warm and expectant. 

"Get into position already", smirked Yoongi surprising himself with his confidence. Taehyung took off his shirt revealing his toned body, visible collarbone and thick chest.(that isn't he only thing that is thick.) and took of his pants which revealed thick thighs that I- I mean Yoongi would break every chair in the room to sit on. Yoongi hoped Taehyung didn't notice his obvious boner.

Taehyung kneeled on the bed while he leaned against the headboard. Yoongi kneeled down and reached to stroke Taehyung's big d*ck inside his boxers. 

"Aww f-f*ck yea Yoongi", growled Taehyung. Yoongi really didn't want to disappoint so he began licking and teasing while his d*ck was still inside.  Yoongi began reaching inside but...

"I'm home honey!", cried a voice downstairs. 

"F*ck, thats my mom, quick dress and jump out the window", urged Taehyung. 

"B-but I'm scared", said Yoongi, startled. Even his PP pipe drooped in sadness.

"No time, go!" hissed Taehyung as footsteps approached. 

Yoongi looked out the window and saw a dizzying sight. A cruel summer breeze whipped his messy hair. Yoongi was as scared as a kitten. 

"Go down the drainpipe, Quickly", pushed Taehyung. 

Yoongi grabbed the drainpipe and slid down.

"Until next time my little meow meow", called Taehyung, a sorry look on his face.

All Yoongi could muster was byeeaaaaaaa!


New fav chapter. 

I love this.

peace out.

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