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I have to say this Min Yoongi kid probably has mental problems or something. He literally won't stop staring at me and was so clumsy and like...weird. Jennie was always like that which I absolutely adored. Yea so I had to do most of the work getting us out of there. This kid has no idea how much I had to sacrifice. I hoped my parents would take it easy and Jennie wouldn't be to mad when she found I wasn't studying. Yea Jennie being the popular girl she knew my business better than I knew my own.

Anyways since it was late there were no Ubers or public transport around so we had to well walk/run to my house. I was going to call my chauffeur but I figured he would notify my parents. The only reason I let this random stranger stay over at my place was because he looked startled and hurt. I mean he was shivering. He looked like he hadn't had good food in well...forever. Obviously being the kind-hearted person I offered my house. 

Well as we walked and talked I realised this kid looked familiar but then again everybody looked familiar to me. Being the popular kid isn't easy you know ;). I got rid of the thought as I soon realised I couldn't know anyone so different from me. Looking at him "the run" must have tired him out but then again I've been there once before...

Like everyone else he gets surprised over my riches and liked Yeontan a little too much. He literally scooped him up. I gotta admit I've never seen Yeontan get so excited over a stranger and I got a little jealous. 

"Quiet, you don't want to wake my parents do you", I said. 

"sorry" he whispered. Unfortunately Yeontan didn't get the message and continued to bark. It was kinda sad seeing him in his swimsuit which reminded me of me saving his life earlier. As if he could read my mind (as you can see they can basically read each others minds they are meant to be)he stammered:

"I-i never thanked y-you for saving my stupid life". For some reason I wanted to hug him when he said that but remembered I wasn't gay and just nodded. I remembered this feeling when he hugged me just after we escaped the pool. He actually made me blush which I don't often do even with Jennie. I had to get rid of this kid. 

"Come, I'll get you some clothes", I said. I stopped. "Actually we should probably both take a shower we stink of chlorine", which he smiled at. This kid was literally eating weirder by the second like what was that gummy smile and what was it doing to me?! Ignoring his actions I gestured to him to follow me. Putting a finger to my lips me, Yoongi and Yeontan crept up the elegant stairs until we reached my bedroom. 

Being rich every room had an ensuite bathroom. S&^&, my nightlight was still on. This would be embarrassing. Luckily Yoongi was looking everywhere and didn't notice. We stepped over random objects in my messy room until we reached the bathroom. 


Little did they know they stepped over a hidden camera, one left behind by Jennie on purpose.


Things are only gonna get hotter;)

WELp no one is reading my story except for myself and one loyal fan. ENJoy AnYwAys.PEACE OUT.

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