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Taehyung's house was so interesting and big but I remembered my mother's words and didn't touch anything. EXCEPT FOR YEONTAN! When Taehyung offered me a wash I was so ready to take a nice warm bath or shower and just relax. I then remembered that I was a guest so I couldn't be so selfish. Oh my god. Taehyung's room was so messy. There were cloths laying around and homework assignments everyone. There was even a little robot that I thought was looking at me but I ignored the feeling. Finally I noticed a nightlight as well. Maybe Taehyung was also scared of the dark. 

"You can shower first" I said, since it was his house. 

"No, first of all there is no first and second, second we are bathing", he said calmly.

"W-what", I questioned, coming back to my usual self. My gay self could not  stand being naked with a stranger yet. 

"Yea, I'm afraid so, my parents only let me use a little hot water so we have to bath together". How can such rich people living in such a big house be so stingy but I obviously didn't say that out loud. I mentally prepared myself to be embarrassed. My self-esteem was going to go into negatives but you know what it isn't everyday you get to bath with such a sexy dude. 

Before I could say anything Taehyung began stripping off his clothes. I began to blush and I felt myself built a tent. He had such a nice chest and faint abs with an almost perfect v-line. All he needed was me to cuddle with ;). Not wanting to look obvious that I was staring I slowly edged my shorts down pleading that my dick wouldn't give me away. Taehyung took no notice however and him being already fully naked said:

"I'll go fill up the bath". That left me in an awkward situation.


Jennie had witnessed the whole thing from the secret camera on the robot. She was mad with fury and couldn't believe what she was seeing. Is this b&^&*...? Her view disappeared as the bathroom door closed. She began dealing a number on her phone.

Jennie:"Hi BB Felix, she said, come over."

Felix: "At this hour but-

Jennie:"Do you want this or not"

Felix: "Yes but-"

Jennie: "Ok good, see you laterrrrr"


The bathroom smelt so good like I was floating in heaven. I covered my dick as Taehyung looked my way. The bath was huge and fancy with bubbles thankfully, so we were at least covered. Taehyung hopped into the bath first and moaned a deep moan that turned me on again. I quickly hopped in without complaint before he could notice below. 

I tried to avoid eye contact as we bathed. It was hard as we were facing each other and our legs brushed under the water once in a while. No matter what I thought about however my member just won't go soft. 

"Do you like this", said Taehyung, moaning almost.

"Yes, Hyung, I do" I replied.

"Don't call me that", he said turning his head away. 

"I literally have no bubbles on my side" he complained sloppily coming closer to me. 

Then I realised we were being watched. Yeontan was staring confusingly at us with jealousy.


Aha plot twist B^^%&

Enjoy, Im feeling uncomfy after this but anyways


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