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"Um daddy"? said Yoongi his eyes flickering while Taehyung blushed. Suddenly Yoongi eyes widened from the sight of Taehyung and almost passed to again seeing the most beautiful eyes. He sat bolt upright and managed to put on his best smile and tried not to look so awkward. However it was difficult as the figure was looming over him. Taehyung tried to forget that this kid just called him "daddy" and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Sorry but where I am", was all Yoongi could muster before he passed out again. 


So this annoying kid literally died again. What was I supposed to do now. 


Yoongi's mother and Yeji had completely forgotten about Yoongi and was jamming to there K-pop playlist in the car. 

"Are we forgetting something mommy", said Yeji but her mom could not hear her through "ice-cream or "dynamite"

Back to POV:

I mean this kid wasn't actually dead or hurt so there wasn't actually a need to call an ambulance. Snapping back to reality I hadn't even realised how long I had been staring at this kid. His milky skin almost matched the moon perfectly and his- WAIT. MOON! I scrambled out of the emergency office and ran out of the building. The pool was eerie and deserted and all the water had already been sucked out for the day. How long had we even been here? 

I quickly ran to the main entrance and saw that the gates have been double-bolted. S%^$. This just turned from bad to worse. Worse was that I my phone buzzed again. 

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Messages(not instagram)


 Hey BB are u almost here I'm waiting to give you the ice-cream ;)



F%$%. I quickly replied to my mom saying that I was at a party. The next part was going to be difficult. I decided to tell Jenny that I couldn't come because I had to study for a test


                                                                                           Sorry bae I have to study maybe tomorrow

JennieBae is typing...

Since when do you study lol. Ok I'll be saving the ice-cream then ;)

I felt guilty lying to my girlfriend so I sent her a quick D-pick that looked kinda weird in the dark. S^&% there's cameras everywhere. Like not gonna lie today I probably lost like 90% of my braincells today and I blame that stupid kid. Oh yea that stupid kid... 

I quickly raced into the building and decided to inform the kid about this awkward situation. When I saw him again I saw that he was turned to side, he was drooling and he was kinda snoring. So this b&6&8 was sleeping while I was messing my life up. He's kinda cute though I thought. Wait what the heck I'm not gay. I realised I was staring again and was being creepy so I shook him hard until he woke up. 

"Huh, stop that daddy", he mumbled his faced covered with snot and drool. Kid wake the hell up ,I said we have been here the whole night. He  did last time but before he could pass out again I held his small chubby face and yelled : You little b^%&^ you got us both stuck here!!!! His eyes widened and he shivered as if he was scared. Oh, sorry I said awkwardly backing away. He folded his legs, took a deep breath and said...

"My name is Min Yoongi".


I have no words. Enjoy. Stan you know what lol for clear skin.PEACE OUT.

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