ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟɪᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ, ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ

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(sorry for the short chapter this time, i wasnt sure what to write. as of right now requests are open!)


you usually call him cute, brave or smart and every time without fail, you get a slightly flustered detective

hes happy you love him enough to give him the time of day, but all the love and affection you give him? he isnt used to it, so hes easily flustered.

though he will call you amazing, beautiful, and kind. its usually one of those things anyways

hes never had a relationship before you, so he wants to make sure you feel loved, that includes small gifts once a week.

at first he was too shy to say those things out loud, but now hes really confident when he's with you.

(so what love language are you?

Shuichi: yes)


you call him strong, brave or anything else youd prefer.

hes usually the one giving other comfort, so every time you gave him compliments or gifts he would blush a lot, though he would try to hide it

he calls you beautiful, adventurous, kind and pretty much anything that you could think of.

he loves complimenting you and showing you that your amazing even if you dont feel like it sometimes.


at first you had no idea how to compliment him, but you decided on things like cute or complimenting him on doing good

im talking about when he learns new things, such as the phrase "I love you"

every time you called him cute or gave him affection he would blush a lot, as hes used to robophobia and not the complete opposite.

though it did cause you to hear his cooling fan turn on almost regularly.

though he does often give you small compliments, and he does try to make sure that you feel as happy as you can be.


you often call him kind or a true gentleman, and every time you did you make Gonta extremely happy

he doesnt really get the concept of compliments, but he will try!

though he ends up calling you things that he thinks is kind, or things Kaede helped him with.

so he could be calling you bee-u-tif-ul (he tried saying beautiful, a word he heard from Kaede), then later calling you a gentleperson! ^^

as he wants to be a gentleman, and he sees you as the perfect example. your kind, caring and always helps others.


you mainly comfort him a lot through physical touch but you do give him compliments too, and so Ryoma tries his best to give that same level of comfort back.

(im talking about snuggling, hand holding and hugging if any of you twist its meaning i will send you all to horny jail.)

he would absolutely 100% make sure you felt safe and cared for, so if you liked to be complimented he would try to give you more praise

would call you things like sweetheart or just say things like talented and caring.

whenever hes around you he sees his entire world, and he wants to make sure you know that. he doesnt want to make the same mistakes he did last time.


like Ryoma, he would mostly try to make you feel loved and cherished, as he loved you dearly.

so if you liked compliments, expect to hear them often. he believes that love can overpower any despair, and wants to grant you that power too.

he would tell you things like your cared for, your amazing, and other things.

any insecurities? he would find 20 different ways to prove that its just another perfection. out of all the human race hes talked to, your the one with the most beauty to him, inside and out.

♛ ᴅᴀɴɢᴀɴʀᴏɴᴘᴀ ᴠ3 ʙᴏʏғʀɪᴇɴᴅ sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏs ♛Where stories live. Discover now