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even after you guys hung out he would still be smiling,

like just thinking about your face made him start smiling like a doof.

he often thinks about the first time you guys met, and even now that he has Kaede and other friends he still hangs out with you.

it was getting really obvious to everyone, even you were getting hints.

though Shuichi was the most oblivious, as he thought it would just be nice if you and him were dating.

that you were really kind and good looking as well-


when he did finally realize he blushed madly

"W-wait i l-like y/n-san?!"


ever since you guys started hanging out he hung out with you more then his other friends did

he insisted it was just as a form of apology

even though that happened 3 months ago

though as a hopeless romantic he instantly knew he loved you

he always loved how you saw the best in everyone and looked at things positively

always tried to act tougher then he actually was in front of you to try to impress you

(i suck at writing kaitos scenarios like how)


for some reason he felt sad when you called him friend, but he wanted to be close to you and hang out?

but if you got too close he would be a bit embarrassed?

emotions are weird

and confusing

went to go ask Kaede and Miu about it, Miu was uhh... Miu

when Kaede told him what he was actually feeling, Kiibos antenna went straight up combined with the most shocked and embarrassed face shes ever seen from him

so of course Kaede started giggling a bit

ended up overheating, Miu had to fix him

"S-so this f-feeling i have t-towards y/n-san.. i-its l-l-l-l-lo-lo-lo-..."


Gonta couldn't understand why there was butterflies in his stomach around you but not around the others at all

Gonta always wanted to be gentlemanly to everybody and everything, but for some reason that doubled around you

he always felt tingly when you were being nice to him, and was starting to think about you more often then usual

ended up asking like 5 people

Kokichi told him to go ask his wolf family, on his way to go ask he ran into Shuichi but he didn't really know how to describe love

so he led Gonta to Kaede the ship expert and she was hanging out with Kaito and Maki

Gonta asked Kaede in front of Kaito and Maki, and they all knew

he was surprised, and he was blushing quite a bit. he swore to try and understand what it meant to "like" someone, for your sake.

"Gonta has 'crush' on y/n-san? y/n-san is very nice so Gonta see why Gonta like them"


whenever you would text him he felt... fuzzy?

he wanted to talk more to you and see you more in person,

first one to realize out of all them that he liked you, as he felt this way in his past relationship.

proceeded to constantly get a bit more sad every time he saw you or talked to you.

he thought that he was no good for you, even if you somehow returned his feelings.

like noooo- love himm

"its fine.. y/n-san wont feel the same anyways..."


saw humanities beauty, but for some reason saw it more in you then others

rambled on about history more in front of you, as you were a avid listener. he 'respected' that you liked history and seeing how society worked from afar.

well more like he loved that about you but he wont admit it.

even after he told you about his past relationship with his sister, you didn't care all that much. i mean the past is the past..? that secretly meant a lot to him actually

(^ listen idk either i just write shitty fanfic on wattpad 🙄✋)

probably saw something like a promise ring come up in history and immediately thought of you

took him a while to realize it, he felt like this for a couple of months at this point and he still says its just curiosity

"Human emotions are so... Intriguing."

(how do i write for him what-)

♛ ᴅᴀɴɢᴀɴʀᴏɴᴘᴀ ᴠ3 ʙᴏʏғʀɪᴇɴᴅ sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏs ♛Where stories live. Discover now