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after you guys met 'properly', you offered to go eat icecream together

you both ended up forgetting the case for a bit, which was good, his uncle really didnt want to overstress him.

with someone to support him that wasn't family, he became a bit more confident.

agreed to meet up again, and you guys became good friends.

after the case was solved you were the main one to help him get through it, and later on you guys met Kaede and Kaito.

"Im going to get chocolate, what are you getting y/n-san?"


after he 'apologized' he and his friends took you to a nearby candy store

you all introduced yourselves and you ended up becoming part of the friend group

not before getting high of of candy, thats right you ate like truckloads of candy

you werent alone when you ate that much candy, Kaitos big brain moment was when he ate 15 large bags

thats like 2 more then you ate, so naturally you competed

so anyways your newfound friends had to take you home, but it was worth it

because you won

hah he passed out before you,,, loooooser


perfect words from a passed out dude


even after you were healed, he still felt bad for hurting both you and the professor

Kiibo saw on the internet that he should try to do something nice to earn a apology, so he got you some food

he was confused on why you started laughing after he brought you mcdonalds, poor bean doesnt know any better yet

you apologized for laughing and ate the food he got you, yo how did he know you wanted chicken nuggies-

he shyly asked for you to forgive him, and become friends

you accepted immediately, shocking him a bit. he didnt expect you to answer so quickly

"R-really? Thats.. This is great!"

absolute bean

you also ended up meeting everyone else later on with Kiibo


said sorry a lot for crashing into you, and how ungentlemanly that was

even after you said it was fine, he still wanted to make it up to you so he took you somewhere

he took you to that cafe you just got ghosted at

though jokes on your previous date he bought you some cookies

he ended up eating some food himself, and you asked to remain in touch

both you and Gonta agreed to go to the park again this time tomorrow.

"So Gonta and y/n-san meet this time tomorrow? Ok! Gonta agree!"

double jokes on your previous date, Gonta was there unlike them-

(fictional characters solve all relationship issues 😎)


(also ik Hoshi is the surname but idc, i see short man- i say Ryoma. thats just how this works)

after about 3 or 4 days he texted you a location, and didnt really say anything else. he didnt mean to give off the ominous af vibe but its fine.

you still went to the location anyways, and even though you defiantly wouldve been kidnapped by anybody else you were met with Ryoma and 9 different cats.

in the alleyway there was also the 3 cat food bowls, treat box, and everything you bought a few days ago.

he explained that the cats were strays that needed food that he couldnt afford. and having experience with cats as you had one in your apartment, they naturally got along with you too.

you and Ryoma bonded over cats, which was cool. you lessened the whole "not will to live" as well, so good job


you ended up having to finish that group project by yourself. the other guy suddenly got 'too sick to work' a hour after you sent him that summary.

even though the powerpoint itself looked like a rushed mess the facts seemed to actually stand out

in the end you got a 76%, so you ended up going to the library again looking for him to tell him thanks. you were about to leave when you saw him in a place almost nobody goes to, the really shadowy corner.

to hang out i guess you guys just started talking about history, you were a bit of a nerd before so you at least knew what he was talking about

(before your parents pushed you too hard and you gave up on school? you know who you are)

you ended up remembering to thank him before you walked away

you guys just continued talking about history after that day, as you were the first person to actually listen to kork

♛ ᴅᴀɴɢᴀɴʀᴏɴᴘᴀ ᴠ3 ʙᴏʏғʀɪᴇɴᴅ sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏs ♛Where stories live. Discover now