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🔍 Shuichi 🔍

your neighbor ended up getting murdered (oof)

he was the one interrogating you due to lack of detectives.

the case was going nowhere, and you were a 'witness' so the police contacted you often

well, Shuichi and his uncle did.

he hated that from your point of view he was associated with death, it was his first case he ever worked on and he never wanted to do this again.

so to fix it, he decided to meet you as Shuichi, and not as the "Great Detectives Prodigy".

"M-my name is Shuichi Saihara, whats yours?"

🔭 Kaito 🔭

met outside a haunted house,

he ran out not looking where he was going, crashed into you. what good luck you must have.

turns out he had 2 other friends with him who "forced" him to come, and thought you were some guy named 'Shuichi' at first.

when he realized it wasn't 'Shuichi' he quickly jumped to conclusions. accused you of being a ghost

once his friends arrived he calmed down some, enough for him to refuse to apologies for you being a ghost.

you only knew that guy for 5 minutes and he's brought so much chaos in your life

eventually someone named 'Maki-roll' made him apologize, and you accepted it

immediately acting like apologizing was his idea he insisted you come along with them

"S-Shuichi! You must be t-terrified, ill p-protect-... AAAAAAAAAAA GHOST!"

💚 Kiibo 💚

(sorry i type Kiibo instead of Keebo, to me it just fits better.)

your tutor, Professor Idabashi was taking on a huge project of building the first android.

you thought that this would make detroit become human a reality, but were you in for a lot of work. nonetheless you volunteered, he was your favorite teacher after all, even if he wasn't a part of any school.

while the professor often worked on Kiibos body, how it would move on his command and such. meanwhile you, yes you, were tasked with the almost impossible. programming a personality and feeling into the robot.

though you could see why the professor tasked you with this, even though you were the u/t (your ultimate talent) you were extremely good at programming.

thats why when Kiibo woke up for the first time, both you and the professor were ecstatic.

though, even after trying to teach him new things, he still seemed more robot than human.

and when Kiibo went rogue and hurt the professor, you weren't excluded from that. he broke your right arm and one of your ribs. must of hurt lmao.

Kiibo then visited you in the hospital through the help of the professor who healed faster than you. this time, Kiibo definitely seemed human, you weren't sure what happened but hey, you weren't complaining.

even after you said it was fine, he kept apologizing.

"Im so sorry y/n-san! Im so sorry y/n-san! Im so sorry-"

yeah. definitely needed to reteach him some things.

🦋 Gonta 🦋

your date ghosted you at the cafe nearby so you went to the park. Emma? more like meanie.

a butterfly landed on the back of you hand,

so did Gonta.

Gonta was chasing that butterfly to catch it, ended up crashing into you at full speed. your not having a good day are you?

"Are you alright?! Gonta sorry! Gonta not mean to bump in to you!"

i mean you did get distracted from your previous cafe "date", so it was worth it.

🎾 Ryoma 🎾

At the supermarket, you were just getting some candy that you liked. you were about to check out when you saw a really short man in front of you. with such a deep voice too??

were you on shrooms again

the answer was no, no you werent. he was getting some cat products, such as medicine, food and treats. his card ended up being declined though, and you knew how that felt so you tried paying for him.

after much protest, he ended up settling for letting you help him but he would do something for you. as "nothing ever comes free" according to him. oxygen really getting disrespected out here

you exchanged numbers and went different ways. aka he left the grocery store and you apologized to the poor cashier.

(i suck at writing ryoma, so uh, yeah. fun fact you arent getting quotes for him bc i suck)

🏺 Korekiyo 🏺

met at the library, you needed to do research

you were in a group project of 5, but yet it was just you and this other kid doing all of it

you agreed to do the research, and the other guy would put together the presentation.

it was a history project on the aztecs, so you had several books near you, all with different pages marked while you were typing a summary.

though, after the 5 hour mark, Korekiyo saw your interest in the aztecs and ended up telling you everything about them.

like seriously he probably had the entirety of human history memorized.

after talking about the aztecs, he described it in such a way that you were slowly getting drawn into wanting to know more

he ended up talking about other myths and legends for another 30 minutes.

"The aztecs, hmm?.. In my opinion they were criminally underrated for all the things that-"

you ended up sending a 3 page paper. rip the other guy.

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