Chapter 4ー'Teach' being Taught

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Hey!! Sorry for the long wait. I know I haven't updated for a while, and that's because I've been working on my Pokemon Story more. So sorry. Also, if you remember, I'm splitting the Battle Scenes and Dialogue into two when it's a long game chapter.

Enough of my rambling, enjoy!
⠀⠀"Gods have the Risen spread so far?" The prince inquired imperatively, prudently glancing at the myriad of monsters that culminated before us.
⠀⠀"Risen?" I reciprocated, unaware that I was speaking my thoughts aloud. Despite my quiet murmur, the Great Knight had heard me.
⠀⠀"We needed a name for this new threat, so the council gave them one." Frederick replied condescendingly. I clandestinely rolled my eyes, stifling a brusque reply.
⠀⠀"Everyone, remember what we're up against!" My mind began ruminating over the possibilities before spontaneously straying to the creatures. I had seem them once: when they tore up the entirety of the once fecund forest. I winced, vicariously feeling the pain of their power.
⠀⠀"They'll remember ME once I drive my axe into their... Wait... My axe. Where's my axe?! I had it a second ago!" The blonde bellowed, his eyebrows furrowed in sheer frustration. You're kidding me right? Can the oaf remember anything?
⠀⠀"Vaike, this is no time for jokes..." The austere Chrom hissed, clearly displeased at his conscript.
⠀⠀"I'm serious! It's gone, but I JUST had it! It's got to be around here somewhere..." Yeah... It could be up your arrogant-

My thoughts were abruptly truncated by the daunting melancholy of the Risen. Oh. And Chrom's command.
"Keep to the rear, then! The battle is nigh!"

⠀⠀"All right, listen up. ...Especially those of you who BROUGHT weapons! All weapons have strengths and weaknesses to bear in mind. Lances have an advantage over swords, for example, while swords best axes. We'll want to work this into our strategy whenever possible." Frederick hollered, his optics darting to scrutinize the army.
⠀⠀Yes Frederick. I know quite well. I can help our army. Shesh. Who's the tactician here? Once again, my reverie was broken by the screams of the heinous monsters. Time to go.

⠀⠀"Vaike! Stay in the rear and stay our of the way! Lissa! Pair up with Frederick please! Stahl! Come with me! Virion, attack from those copses over there! ... Yes, yes, climb the tree if you have to!"
⠀⠀They nodded, taking their positions eagerly. Chrom remaining parrying with a nearby monster, nimbly dodging the lethargic swipe of an arm. Raising an arm, an anthology of codes presented themselves to me, enclosing me in a petite circle. A scintillating flash erupted from Chrom's location, the monster eradicated by a sheer moment.
⠀⠀"Thanks Sapphyre!" The lord grunted, continuing to the next atrocity. "Don't strain yourself to hard!" I uttered imperatively, before turning to the brunette Cavalier and nodding.
⠀⠀"Let's head up more north." I hissed and before awaiting a reply, we launched ourselves forward, the apex of his bronze blade slicing through the abdomen of the vile creature.

⠀⠀"Splendid! It seems I've caught up. Now to extirpate these brutes..." A nearly inaudible voice nicked my ears, drawing my attention away from the fray, aciculate claws leaving an excruciating gnash on my arm.
⠀⠀"Sapphyre!" The Cavalier exclaimed, driving the sword of his into the nearby enemy. A rictus was placed upon my face, I clenched my arm. "I'm okay!" I bellowed, unsheathing my tome once more.
"I'll get you to Lissa." He exclaimed, ushering me towards the ebullient cleric.
⠀⠀"Stahl. I told you, I'm fine. It's just a few scratches for now. Lissa's a bit busy as it is." I espied the young blonde from my peripheral, in which she was healing Virion, Frederick mending off oncoming Risen with a single swipe of his pristine lance.
⠀⠀While distracted, a Risen skimmed me, causing my attention to be averted back to the fray. However, as I whisked my hand, an ax brusquely interrupted my assail superseded by a searing flame.

Hold up... An ax? And Fire magic?

⠀⠀"My apologies for the erratic entrance." A female with umber-red locks implied. From the looks of it, she was a mage.
"Thanks to ol'Miriel here, I have my ax!" Vaike exclaimed, swinging the cumbersome weapon over his back.
⠀⠀"You imbecile cretin." The mage uttered, pushing up her glasses with two fingers.
Uhh... Half the time, I can't understand this woman.

⠀⠀"I see the Chief!" Stahl exclaimed back to the rest of us. "Good! We need to advance!" I hollered, just as Sully eradicated the last Risen. All that remained was the heinous one of all.
⠀⠀As we dashed ahead, the last monster elapsed my vision. The creature was essentially the same as the others, the only difference were the elongated claws, emanating a putrid gas that eddied in the stagnant air before dissipating.
⠀⠀I raised my arm, elaborately whisking it to send a translucent spell undulating it's way towards the creature. A bellicose of thunder maimed the Risen Chief, as he emitted a roar before a surge of flames seared him.
⠀⠀"Sully!" I bellowed, commanding her to initiate the first attack. With her lance raised, she drove it into the flank of the vile creature, withdrawing it just as adeptly. I nodded my thanks at the cavalier before turning to Stahl.
"Finish him." He brusquely nodded, scrunching his face from the raunchy odor. The brunette's bronze sword eradicated the menace, a sigh escaping my lips as the quarrel came to an end.

⠀⠀"Finally, and good riddance! But if they're appearing this far up the Northroad..."
⠀⠀"Then no path is safe. We'll need to stay wary." The commander and knight exclaimed as they neared us. Huh. I guess the moniker 'Frederick the Wary' fits him quite well.

⠀⠀We continued our discreet stride towards Ferox, remaining wary as we did so. It was only when we crossed an ethereal pegasus that our tensed muscles relaxed. The mythical creature was extravagant, it's achromatic plumage resplendent in the sunlight. "Well, what do we have here?" I asked rhetorically.
⠀⠀"Hey, is that what I think it is?" The cleric replied, her austere facade instantly brightening. The three of us carefully traipsed forward, wary of the poor mammalian.
⠀⠀"It's a pegasus, all right. I think it's hurt. Let's just have a look here..." Chrom bore a benign smile, reaching for the injured wing of the horse. It certainly hadn't looked threatening, and yet when we had endeavored to aid it, it emitted whinnies and recoiled, vaguely hurting Chrom.
"WHOA! Down, girl! Easy there!" He spoke subtly, circumventing his way around the injured pegasus. He looked very stupid doing this. Chrom, maybe you shouldn't handle animals.

⠀⠀"Captain, one moment!" A voice bellowed, the wielder Sumia. As she padded forward, it seemed that she had tripped. Again. Standing up, her face was painted in crimson, although I highly doubt that it was from her clumsy faceplant.
⠀⠀"Sumia! Are you all right? ...Those boots of yours again?"
⠀⠀"No! I mean, yes! I mean..." Sumia sighed exasperated like a mother to an exuberant child. I couldn't understand these two. Their relationship was an enigma.
⠀⠀"Well, come no closer. This beast is crazed!" Chrom exclaimed. I had to stifle my gasp. Shesh. No wonder she tried to attack you, speaking that blasphemy.

"It's okay, Captain. I can handle this... Shhh... Easy now, girl. I won't hurt you." The brunette reached out her hand, stroking the pegasus as if it was her own. Sumia had calmed the horse in an instant, her hand stroking the mane. It was... Astonishing...
⠀⠀"How did she calm it so quickly?" My inquisitive side questionedーit was quite miraculous. As if reading my thoughts, Lissa vicariously exclaimed in ecstasy.
⠀⠀"That's incredible, Sumia!"

⠀⠀"I've never seen anything like it." Chrom praised. I swear I could have seen Sumia flush, although it returned quickly.

"Oh, it''s nothing. Really. I just have a way with animals, I guess."
⠀⠀"I should say so!" Seriously, why don't these two just get a room? A banter lingered upon my tongue for Sumia hastily spoke, still stroking the now tranquil pegasus. She really did have talent.
⠀⠀"You all go on ahead. I'll dress her wounds and catch up as soon as we're able." With that, the brunette averted her gaze back to the horse, her eyes reminiscent to the kindling heat that kept you alive. Hope.
⠀⠀"We can make time to wait for you." The prince insisted, although was repudiated by the female almost immediately.

"Thank you, Captain. But I can manage. Every moment is precious when all of Ylisse is in danger." Was it me or did Chrom blink in surprise. Feeling a bit rejected I suppose. I glanced over to the other witnessーLissaーto see if she had noticed her brother's abrupt guise.
⠀⠀"Right, then. Be safe, Sumia."
⠀⠀"As you command, sir." We established our concise farewell before leaving the injured creature with Sumia. It wasn't dusk yet and much had already happened. By now, we were beginning to see the walls that protected Ferox from barbarians.

Off to Regna Ferox...

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