Ch. 39 - The End

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A/N: For the perfect emotions for this chapter, I advice you to play the songs I've added in these chapters (and if necessary repeat them until the next song is listed). Enjoy the end.

Chapter 39 - The End
Every life matters. It has its own path and everyone has their own fate. It doesn't matter how big or small this fate is. Whether it is just about plowing the fields and taking care of the next harvests or whether it is about an apprenticeship with the Holy Knights to protect the kingdom of Liones. It doesn't matter if you are destined to become the new King of Camelot or if you have to turn your back on your own race to stand up for love. It doesn't matter whether you like your destiny or not, because one day you will come to the realization that everything is right the way it is. Because you cannot escape your fate. It is deeply anchored in you and secretly accompanies you all your life. And no matter what your destiny is, it always matters, no matter how big or small. Because it ensures balance in our life.

When I think about it like that, I, too, have denied these thoughts for a long time. I didn't see any real purpose in my life and had no clear goals, which meant that I never really found myself. For many thousands of years I walked through the worlds of humans, demons and, for a short time, also those of fairies, and I didn't feel at home anywhere. I didn't know who I am and took my life less as a gift and more as a burden. Since I didn't know who I was, I didn't know what my duties were either. All I did was wander around like I was looking for something without knowing what I was looking for. My life was empty and full of suffering. At least that's how I thought for thousands of years.
Today, I know that it wasn't like that and that all these years were just a long way to find my fate. And I've experienced a lot of great things along the way. I have found a best friend who not only became my companion, but also my soulmate. I fell in love with a boy and discovered his heart that he tried to hide so hard. I have found a friend who has a hard shell on the outside, but her inner core is full of kindness, affection and love. I lived with a young king who became like a little brother to me and at the sight of whom my heart is filled with pride to this day, because he grows up to a stately man and ruler. I made friends with holy knights and together with them I rebuilt cities and villages to give a home to those in need. I have made friends with a goddess whose closeness and friendship are like balm for the soul. I gave new hope to outcasted and outlawed knights and helped them to make amends for their mistakes. And I've learned to control my powers instead of letting them control me.
As if that wasn't enough, there was so much more. I made friends. True friends. They couldn't be more different but they complete each other perfectly. It was them who first accepted who I really am and who Meliodas really is. They showed me that there is a place for demons outside of their world. And even if they don't know, their acceptance has paved the way for the future. Because without their support, I would never have believed that we could end the holy war without great losses. I would never have found the courage to fight for both sides. Because without their support, both sides would not have been able to come together. Without their acceptance and understanding, Derieri, Monspeet and Zeldris would never have felt accepted and it would still be inconceivable that demons can also exist in the human world.

When I arrived at Boar Hat many months ago, completely upset, I would never have dared to dream it. I still remember Meliodas' surprised, but also serious look when we knew what was to come. I still remember how wild my heart was beating after I finally saw him again after all these years when I had missed him so much. And I remember the surprised and skeptical faces of his friends when this strange girl, that I was to them back then, stumbled into the tavern. I still remember very well Kings allegations when we were training together but also his trust and support that I had earned as a result. When I arrived at Boar Hat many months ago, I would never have thought that I would find such loyal companions and that there would be living beings again who would become like families for me. I had thought that Merlin and Arthur would be the last of these kind of people. 

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