Chapter 26

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Shawn's pov

I stare at the wrinkled pages on my lap, but I'm not really reading. My mind is simply too fogged to understand what this stupid book is about, not that it matters anyway. It was just another useless attempt to distract myself from the events of the last days.

Lately my life has been a big, chaotic nonsense, a mess I can't control, and I'm suffocating as I'm getting sucked in a vicious circle of mistakes that I'm not able to stop. My father's words have might been harsh, but they were true nonetheless. I keep on fucking everything up, I'm just a failure who can't get a grip on his life. And, as usual, the weight of my errors has fallen on someone else.

I couldn't stop myself from chasing that girl and fall for her, knowing who she was, ignoring my grandfather's warnings. I went against my own family because I'm a selfish idiot, and as a consequence I ruined the relationship between my grandfather and his son. Gerard didn't hesitate to defend me or the girl I love. He didn't fear my father's possible reactions, maybe because he's always so moody that it's almost impossible to predict them.

That day, when Camila left me, hell came down to earth. The moment I stepped inside the house, my father attacked me with any possible kind of insult, telling me very clearly that I was a disappointment, that it was my fault if his life went to pieces and I'm not worth anything. He never spoke to me that way, I never saw the disgust in his face when he talked to me before. It has always been indifference, and that one I could accept it. But now that his life has been threatened because of me, now that he experienced fear and physical pain because of a girl I know, I was the one to blame. And maybe he's right.

But my grandfather doesn't share his idea. After Pete's outburst, he told him to leave his house, specifying that he was no longer welcomed since he was not willing to respect his own flash and blood. And what did I do to stop that fight? Nothing. I simply stood there, watching as father and son fought because of me, because of my egoistic ways.

That's my problem: I'm selfish. I was selfish when I didn't tell my mother about my father's affair, because I didn't want to ruin the fake calm we were living in. I was selfish when I insisted on acting like a normal kid, like me and my girl didn't have to face a mortal curse. And I was selfish as I let the two men that I was supposed to respect quarrel over me.

«You have a lot on your mind, kid». My grandfather's voice startles me as I was deep in my thoughts. «Stop mulling over it, it's not good for you. Just let it go, time will heal the wounds»

«It's easier said than done, grandpa. I can't simply forget what happened... what I've done». I keep on staring at my book, his gaze too intense to be faced.

Gerard sits next to me on the porch stairs. «I know you blame yourself for how the things between me and your dad went down, but I assure you it's not your fault. My son has always been a difficult man, I never really understood why he acted like an outsider. I guess it's just his personality. But I do not tolerate the way he spoke to you, or how he acted in front of Camila. I didn't raise him to be an arrogant asshole like he is, and I'm no longer accepting his spiteful behavior »

«Maybe you're right» I admit keeping my voice down «But none of this would have happened if I just listened to you. Now, not only have I hurt the girl I like, but I've also triggered my dad's worst side that brought the two of you to a fight». 

My grandfather sighs, a cloud of sadness and regret shadowing his eyes. «You can't control what comes from the heart, Shawn. I've always knew you'll end up falling for her, eventually».

I raise my head and look at him, confused. «What do you mean? »

«I suppose it's time I tell you the whole truth». His tone is grave, and I notice his forehead wrinkles with distress. «Since you were a child, I told you to stay away from everybody on this town - the majority of them witches - because they are dangerous. It's not that I hate or I fear them, but magic has a cost, and often us normal human are the ones who pay for it. I tried to keep you away from them because I wanted you safe, but no matter what, I can't fight magic». My grandpa takes a big breath, then continues with his story. «Your feelings for Camila... you can't control them. You're simply destined to fall in love with each other»

«I still don't get what your point is. Why are we destined to be together? »

«I'm sure by now you know about her family curse, or you clearly wouldn't be here. But there's something that you and Camila don't know. Our families are connected. The curse was casted on both of our families. I don't have all the information, but I know that in every generation, there'll be someone who would pay for the curse. I've seen it happen twice, and I fear that it'll soon happen again. When I was young, I had a brother. He was older than me and he fell in love. Her name was Agata, she was a beautiful and smart girl, but she was a Cabello. In fact, she was Estella's twin sister. My brother tried to forget her, spending night after night with other girls, but at the end their love won. They burned together, kissing and loving each other until their last breath. What he didn't know though, was that he had a son, the outcome of his one-nightstands. Noah never met his father, and he didn't know about the curse, but Isabella knew what would happen if she fell in love with him. And once again, the story repeated, but it seemed much more tragic. Isabella had a daughter, an heir who would have carried on the family jinx. Again, the result of a useless attempt to forget her love for Noah. Estella was devastated about her daughter's death, it reminded her of her sister's fate, but she put her grief aside in order to raise Camila. And now, here we are, with the last two heirs of our families. You and Camila. Your generation has yet to pay the curse, but sooner or later something is going to happen»

I listen to my grandfather's words and the only thing that I can register is the fact that Camila and I are going to end up together. At this point I don't even care about the way I'll die, because I know that my heart will stop to beat with hers, while I will be holding her in my arms. 

And finally my soul will rest in peace.

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