Aurla/Specimen 13 HC (OUTDATED)

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(Siren was the old name I used for her before I changed it to Aurla)

HC time :

Siren used to work as a GL lab assistant. Unlike most others she actually saw the Specimens are real beings with emotions and feelings

She had extreme interest in Bab, he seemed slightly more different than the others, he was very attached to his sword, was defensive of Spooky and like making sketches on the walls, the sketches seemed to be of a family. And also because Bab seemed very attached to her and really liked her, she even speculated that he might have feelings for her but never went 'yes you love me' just thought maybe it's a possibility but also it could be they're just very clingy to her

She tried convincing everyone else not to treat the specimens as monsters and actually treat them as if they have feelings which of course they didn't (except for the old specimen 10, claiming it's not as "insane")

Eventually, the lab assistants got sick of her and experimented on her, turning her into a siren

Bab was worried, she hadn't come to visit bun in a while so they managed to break free and desperately went looking for her even through all of the loud blasting alarms

Siren had heard them as well and was on her tail trying to make her way through
Eventually they bumped into each other, Bab hugged Siren and asked what happened. She explained and Bab was livid

The lab assistants found them and threatened to kill them both if they didn't go back, Siren and Bab decided "fuck you' and killed them all

The new assistants actually let the Specimens roam around and talk to each other but still weren't much better
Siren ended up developing feelings for Bab and yea

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