─ i'll wait

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You were there at the
ice rink, again.

And, I sat there, watching you
skate effortlessly, along the path.

It was so obvious that you are
having so much fun.

Ice, snow - they seem to be your

I want to be your
happiness too. Maybe
someday, I'll be one.

I kept on looking at you, but
you didn't seem to notice me.

The light winds made your hair
blow over your face.

You looked beautiful.

As always.

I think skating relieves
your stress.

I'm glad it does.

I was so lost while looking at you, that
it took time for me to notice that
you were staring back at
me too.

Then, you smiled.

You smiled at me.

I smiled back at you too.

You didn't talk much.

Maybe someday, you will.

I'll wait.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

smile | jayhoon Where stories live. Discover now