─ smile

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One year. It's been
one year since we're

Just us being happy
with each other, for
one year and counting.

And, I certainly feel
we're getting stronger.

I still feel my heartbeat
picking up pace, whenever
I see you skate.

I see you spinning ever
so effortlessly, on

You still manage to
look the same.

My little ice prince.

The smile that lights up
on your face, makes
me feel so happy.

"Thank you for making me
smile", you told me that day.

I'd say, it's not much of an issue.

I guess when we're together,
we become stronger.

Don't you feel the same?

And, no matter what happens,
no matter how bad a situation is,
I'll always be there.

For you,
for us.

Be yourself.

And, smile,
because you really
don't have any idea
how much strength
that smile manages
to give me.

Just like I always say,
"Seven billion smiles, but
yours is my favorite"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────

smile | jayhoon Where stories live. Discover now