─ pen friends

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I sat with you, again.

The class went on, and
I felt your gaze at me.

Was something wrong?

Or, is it that something happened
to be on my face?

Maybe, I couldn't figure

You were, then busy scribbling

The class was going on
when I you gripped the
hem of my shirt and
gestured me look at
your notebook.

"Thank you for sitting
beside me"

I smiled.

And, then we began
talking, through
pen and paper.

Your handwriting was
very neat, nice.

We talked the most that day.

Yet, it wasn't enough for me.

I wanted to talk to you again.

You had your head hung
low, but I could see you

That was the day we became
pen friends.

I don't think I can ever
forget this day.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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