─ being your friend

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Time flows fast.

Isn't it?

That's exactly how I felt today.

When you smiled at me,
I couldn't help but to
reciprocate your actions.

I guess, you have this
kind of effects on

Sure, time does flow

Otherwise, I would have
realised that it was the time
to go home.

I looked around, but I
couldn't find you.

Did you leave already?

I felt a bit dejected.

But, that didn't last long.

I saw you waiting for me.

It's nice to see you waiting
for me.

We walked home

And, something I realised
today was that our houses
were on the opposite sides
of the road.

Yours on the left,
and mine, the right

We parted ways.
And, just as always, I
turned back to make sure
you reached home

But, today, it was

Before I could have
walked away,
you held my hand.

"Can you be my friend?"
you asked.

And, trust me, I was
the happiest at that

After all, I've waited
for this day since...
Leave it, I don't really

"I'm so happy to be
your friend" I held
your hands.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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