─ this is the life

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sunghoon is in love.

he doesn't know a thing or two about love - all he knows is he likes jay. he likes jay a lot.

sunghoon loves everything about the boy.

sunghoon grew up alone, his parents were always out - working hard to earn money. he was homeschooled which fairly explains why he didn't have any friends while growing up.

the only friend sunghoon had was ice. he loved figure skating. he would spend hours and hours in the ice skating rink. he practically grew up there. and that's where he belongs.

it was until senior year that sunghoon decided to let his parents know that he wanted to attend a real school.

that's where he met jay.

the jay whose smile can light up sunghoon's darkest days. the jay, who understands sunghoon like no one else. jay who knows sunghoon like the back of his hand. the jay who deserves nothing but the best.

the jay, who loves sunghoon. and sunghoon loves him back.

sunghoon doesn't know how he fell in love with jay along the way. all he remembers is that they started as friends.

and the friendship grew into love. imagine one day you see someone and you realize that you see them in a completely different light than you did the last time. crazy right?

that's how sunghoon felt when he fell in love with jay.

jay, jay, jay - he is the best thing sunghoon has ever known.

"i love you. but that doesn't mean i'm here just for the pretty parts. i'm going to love your everything. i'll be here no matter what" jay once told him and sunghoon just thinks he's the luckiest because he has jay with him.

it's so beautiful when someone can just pop into life out of nowhere and suddenly become so important to you in such a short time.

that's love.

sometimes sunghoon doesn't want to give jay the world, he wants to make him feel like he's the only one in it, instead.

it's the way jay makes sunghoon feel so loved that the other always feels as if there are butterflies in his stomach every time he's with jay.

jay likes to hold hands, pull sunghoon into his arms and hold him for a long time.

he likes doing things for sunghoon, helping him - even if it's inconvenient for him because he knows those are important to sunghoon.

and sunghoon knows it all.

jay likes it when sunghoon confides in him. he likes it when they have deep talks.

"yeah, sunghoon. tell me anything and everything" he gently runs his fingers through the other's hair. "i want to be the one you can tell your soul to. let me be the one, okay?"

jay loves cooking for sunghoon. it's one of his many love languages.

he also loves it when they sleep together. rolling over the bedsheets, and unconsciously shifting closer to each other because apparently, that's possible.

jay always says he loves it when he wakes up and the first thing he sees is sunghoon's face. even when they're asleep, they're in love.

and that's so beautiful.

sunghoon believes and knows that not everything is supposed to last a lifetime. people come and people go. sometimes they just come into your life, teach you something important, tell you what's right and what's wrong - and that's it. then, they go. they leave you.

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