Chapter 6

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Y/N:"Well, here we are."

After a long run, the two of them reached a weird house covered of what seemed to be stitching.

Caster:"Is this...your tutor's house?"

Y/N:"Yes. Weird, right?"

Caster:"Are those...stitching? How can it be?"

Y/N:"I stopped wondering about his doing years ago."

He went to the doorstep and knocked.

Y/N:"Hey doc, are you in!? Sorry for the hour, but it's important!"

For a while, silence. Then the door opened slowly, making a loud creak.

Y/N:"...All right, now stay behind me and let me do all the talking."

Caster:"You sound like you're scared. Shouldn't he be a friend?"

Y/N:"Well, yes...but you see...he creeps me out."

They went through a long corridor full of paintings of dead animals and human bodies.

Caster:" he a fan of 'dead art'?"

Y/N:"No, he's just obsessed with dissections."


Y/N:"Everytime he finds something interesting or amusing he can't resist the need of dissect it. I speak for... experience"

The Servant didn't dare to ask further, so they just kept walking until they reached a large room full of instruments.

Kneeled on a table was a man wearing a lab coat with various stitching.

Y/N:"Good evening doc. are you?"

The man sat on a swivel chair and turned around.

He had grey hair and was smoking a cigarette. He wore glasses, and he could be a simple scientist if it wasn't for a small detail.

There was a large screw stabbed in his head.

Caster was speechless, while Y/N just sighed.

???:"Well now, I sure didn't expect a visit from you, Y/N. Usually it's the opposite."

He noticed Caster and his glasses shined quick.

???:"And you even bring a friend. Have I known, I'd made some coffee."

He frantically waved his hand noticing the weird stare of the man.

Y/N:"Ah, there's no need, really!"

???:"You don't say..."

Y/N:"Oh right, introduction! Ehm, as I already told you he's my tutor and a famous scientist. He's doctor Franken Stein."

Stein:"Please, just call me doc. And who might you be?"


A weird silence filled the air, while Stein grabbed the screw and started to spin it, making the sound of grinding.

Stein:"I must say, you sure have a lot of mana, mr. 'Uh...'. You must be a very well trained mage."

His glasses shined again.

Stein:"Or maybe something else?"

Caster looked at his Master, unsure of what to do. Y/N, on the other side, was in panic.

Y/N:'Just what the Hell did I have in mind!? I'm already regretting this!'


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