Chapter 2

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Her thoughts often bubbled up out of order. She'd envision herself suntanning on a beach, then imagine what she'd do when she got home, then contemplate who to take with her to the beach. It made it hard when she first started giving makeup tutorials because she'd want to start by explaining the finished result instead of walking fans through it step by step.

Goldie viewed this trip to the Maldives like one of her makeup tutorials. She'd supposed at first that it was meant to be a girls' vacay but then Aiden called and that made her realize a girls' trip didn't quite fit and she needed to start with the foundation. Her brand. Her future. Right now, with Lucre on the horizon, so much could go wrong. Every EpiGold had to work in her favor. Every post she made needed to boost her numbers.

A plan formed. She forced her way through it step by step.

The night before leaving, she called Ashley and cancelled on her. "I'm sorry babe. I love you so, so, much, but it's my parents' wedding anniversary next month and I decided to bring them along instead. As a gift. I'd add you on, but the resort said it's too late."

Ashley's voice quivered as she told Goldie she understood. Of course, she felt disappointed, but there'd be other trips to the Maldives. Goldie assured her that was correct. The matter seemed closed, but then Ashley decided to do the math. "You said you have reservations for five and with Jasper there's only four of you. If Tiara and Gretchen can't go, then who else are you taking?"

"I can't go without my assistant. Who else is going to keep me organized, Ashley? Not you. No offense but I've seen your shoe closet. Besides the old people will be with us so it's not going to be a huge party or anything. You'll have more fun staying in LA. You can see that, right? Oh my God, I'll be so sad if you don't forgive me!"

A part of her was sad, with or without Ashley's forgiveness. The disjointed thoughts that kept sleep away, scenarios that ended before they began, glimpses of a future she imagined—Ashley didn't factor in as a significant player. The problem wasn't that she didn't care about Ashley, it was that she did care, but voted her off the island anyways because these sorts of sacrifices were necessary evils.

She made Paul drive her and her mother and Bailey Boo to the airport. Jasper and Tam were already waiting for them, Jasper with his duffle bag, Tam with a sad little grey suitcase. Poor Tam. So smart and pretty, but she'd had a terrible childhood and now it fell on Goldie to make her part of her plan. It was perfect, really. Tam didn't have to understand, she just had to go along.

Hand on her shoulder, she guided Tam into the jet. "Well? What do you think? Can you imagine ever flying on a regular airplane after this?" A dozen coffee-colored leather chairs set in pairs led back to an L-shaped couch. All were accented with rich gold and red velvet pillows, an added touch of luxury Tam had, at Goldie's behest, requested the airline include. An attendant with a smile as crisp and white as her shirt stood near the couch, ready to meet any demands her party might have.

"You know what I can imagine?" Jasper pushed past them, still carrying his duffle bag, "The amount of carbon this plane is about to put into the atmosphere."

"Don't pay attention to him, Tamara. He likes to spoil my fun however he can." She motioned her assistant to a nearby seat and sat opposite of her. "Besides, I'm super conscientious about the environment as he's well aware. I make a huge donation to save whales every time I fly, which is more than he'll ever do. So, you see? You don't have to feel guilty. I don't."

Not a lot of guilt. Not for that. There was always something to feel bad about. Broken promises and unbroken promises. Guilt over carbon pollution didn't fit into her plan. It didn't have a place, past, present, or future, and therefore, she pledged to help save endangered species so the consequences of her actions didn't have to matter much. It felt good, too. She'd seen killer whales in the Puget Sound on a recent trip and they were adorable.

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