Chapter 24

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Paul's polo shirt matched the suede booth at Henley's. It had been Paul's choice, this swanky meeting spot. They'd shared drinks there together once or twice, which was enough to allow Paul the pretense of sentimentality.

"We had good times in this place. In fact, I believe we've sat in this exact same booth."

"I don't recall. The booth or the good times."

His father eyed him with the wariness of a cat watching the approach of a gregarious toddler. "I simply meant that we spent quality time here together, and that carries significance for me. Father and son bonding time. You must remember."

"Of course, I do." He remembered the place, yes, and the drinks, but not anything to do with the company. That was how most quality time worked with his father. Quality referred to the top shelf brand of scotch rather than the conversation.

Henley's was as good a place as any to meet up, though; he'd let Paul make the selection to give him a sense of control. His father made decisions for a living, mainly regarding Goldie and her career. Jasper needed him to make the decision to tell him what he needed to know, and that would be easier to accomplish with a happy and compliant Paul.

They downed their first round and ordered a second without discussion about anything of consequence. Jasper practiced patience. Just a little longer and he'd be more likely to get Paul talking. Paul beat him to the chase.

"The police are looking for her."

Jasper traced his finger along the side of his glass. "Looking for who?"

"You know who I mean. Have they called you?"

He'd turned off his phone after securing plans with Paul. "My phone died right after I talked to you. I left it behind."

"Behind where?" Paul leaned in like he was about to start an intervention. "Son, if you know where she is, you need to call the detectives. She's a suspect in your sister's death. Why would you want to protect her?"

"Oh, you're talking about Tam." He shrugged. "Haven't seen her."

"You're sure about that? There's a rumor going on that she got into an altercation and that you saved her from it. Obviously, I'm proud of you for that. I don't want any harm to come to her, and I did raise you to defend women."

"No, you didn't."

Compliant Paul. Happy Paul.


Shut up, Jasper. Shut up, shut up, shut up. "You didn't raise me to defend women. Or raise me at all for that matter."

"I made mistakes, for which I am sorry. This isn't the time to bring up old wounds."

"You're right, it's not." He forced a conciliatory smile. He'd gotten his jab in and that would have to be enough. "This is hard on me, dad, and it must be hard on you too. Goldie was as much of a daughter to you as I was your son." For as much as that was worth.

"That is true." Paul studied his drink. "It's been difficult. Becca isn't herself. She barely leaves her bed. I'm not sure how to see her through this."

"It might help her if the police arrested Goldie's murderer."

"Yes, of course it would help. That's why if you know where Tam is—"

"Dad, I'm going to ask you something flat out and you're going to need to be honest with me."

"I'm always honest with you."

Even that response was a lie. Jasper swallowed, gave himself a second and went on. "All right. I have reason to believe that the Lucre deal was shady somehow."

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