Chapter 39

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Jasper almost didn't recognize the grimacing woman who opened his parents' door.


"Jasper!" She raised a shaky hand and squeezed his wrist. "If I'd known you were coming, I'd have..." Her voice trailed off.

Becca seemed to have aged a decade in the days since he'd seen her last. Dark blotchy circles under her eyes, unobscured by makeup, made her hazel irises look like they were being dragged through a mudpuddle.

"You!" Becca let go of his arm and attempted to charge past him. He held her back from the cause of her sudden rush of energy.

"Tam's with me, Becca. She didn't kill Goldie, so settle down."

"Don't tell me to settle down, Jasper." She gave a halfhearted attempt at freeing herself from his grip. "She did kill her. Everyone's saying she did."

"Everyone's been wrong more than once." he scooted his stepmother to the side. "We're here to speak with Paul."

"He's not home. Take that awful woman and leave before I call the police."

"Mrs. DeAngelis," Tam stepped forward, remaining just out of striking distance from Goldie's mom. "Jasper and I have been working night and day to find out what happened to your daughter. We think Paul... we think he..."

"Paul might harbor information he isn't aware of." Japser said. "Information that could help us—and the police—bring Goldie's killer to justice."

"Paul has already been questioned by the police. We both have. What more is there to say? We were both home that night. We sat on the couch in the living room watching TV. We heard arguing, then silence. We had no reason to believe it was anything drastic."

He nodded. "What happened after that?"

"Honestly, Jasper, you already know this, don't you? I stayed in the living room reading while Paul retired to the bedroom. Then we both heard the scream from next door. I'd fallen asleep and it woke me up. Paul ran past and out the door and that's when he saw you." She pointed a finger at Tam.

"Yes, he saw me. Terrified and running because I hoped that what I'd seen wasn't real, not because I'd done it. We need to talk to him, Mrs. DeAngelis." Tam said. "When will he be back?"

Becca's lips twitched. "I don't have to let you in."

"Please listen to us. I would never have hurt her! She gave me the best job I've ever had."

"She gave you a place in her world, is what she did," Becca said, "but you never belonged to it."

"She never needed to belong to it," Jasper told her. "Besides, Goldie's world was only ever good enough for Goldie. We're going to come in now and wait for my father."

He took Tam's hand and led her to the living room, Becca following, muttering obscenities under her breath.

"I don't want you here. You two, what sort of trouble did you bring to my girl?"

"We're not the ones who brought trouble to Goldie." Jasper's resolve to keep a cool head faltered. "If you only knew the truth of it."

"Well, what is the truth?"

A familiar yip diverted their attention. Bailey Boo came charging into the living room. Tam scooped him up and cooed to him.

The dog's fondness for Tam seemed to have a calming effect on Becca. She sat them both on the couch and came back a few minutes later with martinis. "That dog. He's been in such a state since Goldie died. I try my best, but he doesn't seem happy here with us. Animals can be traumatized just like people. He's a witness, you know."

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