Half A Heart

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The break up had only happened one month ago, and yet Liam was already with someone else. It hurt immensely. Every day I wished that I could take back the things I'd said. I hadn't meant them, not in the least, but I'd been too stubborn to apologize.

She was gorgeous and I had nothing on her, I knew that. I'd fantasized that he'd never get over me, that one day he'd come back, that my skies would once again be blue.

As I stared at the picture of the two of them at a premiere, I downed another gulp of vodka. I had been crying and drinking all night. I just wanted Liam back, I was ready to ask for forgiveness.

I tearfully dialed Liam's number. It was the first time I'd tried to contact him since our fight. It continued to ring, and a sudden fear gripped my heart. Maybe he'd changed his number. But then suddenly the ringing stopped.

"Mm, what is it?" The groggy deep voice of Liam answered the phone, and I almost laughed with relief.

"Liam," I squealed.

"Y/n, oh my gosh, I didn't see the caller ID," Liam sounded much more awake now.

"Hi," I said, pitifully into the phone.

"Hi," Liam responded.

Suddenly, I lost my train of thought completely. My brain couldn't form a complete thought, my mouth wouldn't work. I couldn't say a thing.

"Y/N?" Liam said after a moment.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I called," I said weakly. "I just, I wanted to hear your voice I guess. I'm glad you didn't change your number."

"Yeah, I wanted to keep it in case...." he didn't finish his sentence. He had to change his number often, and I couldn't help feeling maybe he hadn't changed it for me.

"Okay, I'm gonna go back to sleep," Liam said slowly.

"No! Wait!" I said loudly. Liam didn't say anything, but I could still hear his breathing so I knew he hadn't left.

"Can we meet somewhere?" I asked.

"Like where?" Liam asked apprehensively.

"On the bridge, in the park, where we had our first date," I said quietly.

"What time?" Liam sighed.

"Tomorrow at 4, I know you'll be done in the studio by then," I said. I still knew his schedule well.

"Okay, but I can only come for fifteen minutes, I have my workout," he told me.

"I know," I said. Liam was silent, realizing just how well we knew each other.

"Okay goodbye," I said and hung up.

I felt a little better, but also, I felt nervous as hell. What was I thinking? How would I convince Liam to leave his gorgeous arm candy for me? We had history, but we'd also had that fight. I had no idea what I was going to say.

I tried to sleep, but I tossed and turned. I ended up getting up at six AM. I took a warm bath and made sure to load it with sweet-smelling bubble bath to relax.

Since it was a Saturday, I didn't have much to do but mope around. I ate a big breakfast to help with my hangover symptoms. Mostly, I just laid around the house, watching tv, and biding my time till it was 4:00.

Finally, it was time to go. I was wearing an outfit I knew Liam liked, and although it was windy, I wore my hair down like I knew Liam preferred. I'd spent over an hour on my makeup. I just wanted everything to be perfect when I saw Liam.

I stood on the bridge, looking at the beautiful scenery and trying to calm down. I was squeezing the railing of the bridge so hard the muscles in my hand began to ache. The day was truly gorgeous, but all the colors looked dull to me. I painfully reminded of Liam, and his band's song, half a heart. I realized that's exactly how being without him felt. Everything was lacking, something was always missing when he wasn't by my side.

"Y/n," his voice was like a cool drink of water on a hot day. I turned to see him standing there, and tears almost began to form in my eyes.

"You wanted to talk?" Liam asked, running a hand over his head. He'd shaved most of it off recently, and he must still be getting used to it.

"Yeah," I said, looking at my hands, and not Liam.

"Yeah," I repeated. I realized I'd wasted so much time today, and I hadn't even figured out what to say.

"Look, y/n, this is awkward," Liam began.

"I know, I'm sorry, but I want to say something. I just, don't know how," I mumbled.

"Did you mean what you said?" I asked finally. I hadn't even been planning this, but it just popped out. This must be what I'd really wanted to say.

"Which part?" Liam asked.

"Near the end of our fight, you said we were like the same side of a magnet. That we were always trying to make it work, but we can't get it quite right. We repel each other without even wanting to. Did you mean that? Because I can't get it out of my head, I can't stop hearing you say that."

"I...," Liam hesitated. "I don't know, there's a lot of times when we fight, but I don't know if we're incompatible."

"You don't know?" I asked desperately.

"I just don't know," he shrugged, but he looked pained.

"So that's what our whole relationship amounts to, you don't know," I snarled.

"I guess so," Liam said in exasperation. "I'm not a fucking genius."

"You don't have to be a genius to tell me how you feel about me!" I snapped.

"May I remind you that YOU asked me here, not the other way round, maybe you should be explaining to me." Liam was fuming.

"Maybe you should leave then!" I growled.

"Don't act like I'm the problem here," Liam rolled his eyes.

"I should've known," I scoffed. "Can't even have a mature conversation."

"Don't talk to me about maturity," Liam retorted. "I'm leaving."

He spun around and began to stalk off. I turned too, anger filling my veins. However, the minute he was out of my sight, I felt dread spreading through me again. I turned back around to watch Liam walk off.

I felt like I was in a romantic comedy, staring at the love of my life's back as he walked out of my life. In the movies, we would both turn around at different moments and wish the other one would do the same. This wasn't the movies though, and soon Liam turned around. He looked surprised to see that I was looking at him as well.

For about five minutes we just stared at each other. Liam blinked a couple of times.

"Go," Liam finally shouted to me from the other side of the bridge.

"You first," I called back.

"I don't want to," Liam admitted.

"Me either," I said.

"So what are we going to do," Liam ventured a few steps forward.

"I don't know," I said.

We were silent for a moment, our bodies slowly moving closer to one another.

"Fuck it," I laughed, and ran to Liam. I launched myself into his arms. He actually caught me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He was kissing me fervently.

"I'm so sorry," Liam said in a hurried voice, broken by kisses. "I didn't mean it, we are compatible, I was just worried you didn't feel the same way."

"I love you, I fucking love you so much," I kissed his face all over as he laughed.

"I missed you," he breathed as he clung to me.

"What about your new girlfriend," I said worriedly.

"She was just a prop, management didn't want me to seem sad," Liam said, putting me down.

"That's wonderful," I laughed and pressed my lips to his. "Liam we may fight a lot, but I want our relationship to work. I'll do whatever I can, I love you so much."

"I love you too," Liam pressed his forehead to mine.

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