Chapter 22: Confessions that hang in the air

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11th Jan 2021

I've been away for five whole months, and not a day went by when I didn't think of this book and its precious readers. I least expected for the gap between two updates to stretch this far, but I am genuinely grateful for your patience, concerned comments and prayers. I pray Allah rewards you and your family in abundance. The past few months have been chaotic, but I hope all of you are doing well. May Allah keep you in His protection, always <3

"Allah is the Guardian of those who believe, He brings them out of every darkness into light."

[Surah Baqarah]

Chapter 22:

Confessions that hang in the air

"Ahmed, how are you placed tomorrow?"

Descending the stairs, in tracks and a tee, Ahmed stopped by his mother, and looked up from his phone.

"I've got a meeting in the morning, Mamma, have a few people come over to discuss the possibility of a franchise, in sha Allah," he informed as he walked to the dining table and grabbed an apple.

"I'll be ready in the morning, then, take me with you?" Afreen proposed, looking up from where she had been busy brush lettering.

"Well, no," Ahmed immediately denied. "You just dropped by last week, what's the need to come again?"

"You're so rude, Ahmed," she accused.

"Glad you think so for that's exactly what I intended to be," he smiled, satisfied. "Let's hope you'll cancel your plans in such a case?"

Rolling her eyes at her brother and his mood swings, Afreen answered, "With or without you, I'm still coming. I'll just request Raiyyan Bhai to drop me."

Realizing she wasn't going to budge, he questioned, "What exactly do you have to do with Zaika?"

"I have a few people to meet," she answered casually, a smile on her lips.

Annoyed with everyone and everything in general, Ahmed, who wasn't in the best of moods, replied, "Just so you know, Afreen, my staff gets paid for their services, it's unethical for them to chitchat with visitors during their working hours."

Knowing her brother and certain this was his tactic to discourage her from putting her plans into actions, Afreen coolly replied, "Never mind then, I'll drop by in the evening once your staff has finished their schedule and they can entertain friends without any interference from the salty Boss."

Sighing at his twin, Ahmed turned to his mother, only to find her already analyzing him.

"What's up with you?" She inquired, her eyebrows scrunched. "Why are you in a bad mood?"

"He's probably landed himself in a lovely mess," Afreen giggled.

"It's nothing, Mamma," Ahmed mumbled, glaring at his twin. "You tell me, what are your plans for tomorrow?" He further questioned, in an attempt to divert attention from him.

"Please keep yourself free in the evening, Ahmed, I'm hosting a kitty party tomorrow in sha Allah and most of my friends are invited. Najma will be accompanied by her daughter Shaina, she's a lovely girl, and I'm hoping you could briefly see her, in a very informal setting and let me know what you think. I have a feeling you will find her as good as I think she is, and then we can consult your father and proceed formally."

The minute Zainab delivered those words, Afreen bit her tongue, restraining her thoughts that were just about to spill, and instead waited for a reaction from Ahmed. This was the moment she was about to receive a confirmation of her theory and she couldn't ruin it. Anything that Ahmed portrayed henceforth would give her a quick preview of his thoughts, and God knew how desperate she was for it.

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