Chapter 29: Storm after silence

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19th March 2021

"And We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents. His mother bears him with hardship. And she brings him forth with hardship..."

[al-Ahqaaf 46:15]

Chapter 29:

Storm after silence

That night, after the guests departed and the family gathered around the dining table for dinner, there were variable subjects that needed to be addressed.

"Hilal's parents have invited us home tomorrow, we'll be officially fixing the wedding dates in sha Allah, although his father gave us a hint and asked how okay we were about hosting a wedding three months from now," Ibrahim informed, discussing the parts of the conversation that went around among the men.

Zainab considered the idea, and replied, "Three months sounds good, it will give both the families ample time to prepare. What do you have to say Raiyyan?"

"I agree," he nodded, spooning rice and curry before taking a bite. As the family went about discussing the wedding venue, dresses, and gifts, Raiyyan glanced at Ahmed, who sat rather aloof, seemingly submerged in his thoughts, neither eating nor speaking.

Sharing a knowing glance with his wife who encouraged him to speak up, Raiyyan carefully started, "I was hoping we could get Ahmed too married around the same time."

As if he had stolen the words right of her mouth, Zainab approved, "That's exactly what I've been wishing for from the very beginning. I've always liked the idea of getting our second daughter-in-law home before marrying off our daughter."

"Then why's it taking you so long, Zainab?" Ibrahim enquired, giving his consent to the idea. "Why haven't you found someone for Ahmed despite looking all this while?"

Afreen glanced at Ahmed, who sat right across from her, beside Raiyyan, but when he didn't meet her eyes, suddenly busy concentrating on his meal, she looked at Tammara, and both exchanged a mutual look of understanding.

"I think we have a difference of opinion in Ahmed's and Mamma's choices, Abbu," Raiyyan briefly touched the topic, and Ibrahim's years of experience immediately alerted him of what was to follow.

"I see," he nodded calmly, "And may I know the reason for this difference between the mother and son?"

There was an unexpected silence that suddenly enclosed them, and everyone wondered if the other was going to speak up and melt the ice. However, when no one spoke, Ibrahim turned to his eldest son and repeated his question. "Raiyyan, is there something I must know that's been kept hidden from me?"

"I just found out something this morning, Abbu, and I think it's about time we discussed the elephant in the room. Mamma, would you like to do the honors?" Raiyyan offered.

Zainab seemed imperturbable as she elaborated the matter at hand. "I didn't think this topic needed discussion because I've explained the cost of his choice to Ahmed already, and we were working towards a solution that would hurt neither of us. But if you insist, then, Ibrahim, the thing is, Ahmed likes this girl and..."

As Zainab narrated everything that Ahmed had disclosed to her the other day, Ibrahim patiently listened to his wife. He did not interrupt her as she discussed the past, refreshed the memories of the horrible moments they had encountered, and strongly listed her reasons as to why she thought even the slightest possibility of what Ahmed suggested was outrageous.

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