Chapter 8

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Hey guys! My update was late because I was workong  on my entry for the DUFF contest. Maybe you could check it out!

And here is Chapter 8.

So far, nothing particularly interesting was happening in the meeting. Just business deals and money issues were being discussed, and on my side of the table, no one was talking. I struggled not to nod off and tried to concentrate.

After all, I was supposed to be studying business tactics and learning how to be sneaky like them.

After a few minutes, I felt something nudge my foot. I started a bit in shock. I peeked down under the table at my foot to see Tristan's foot next to it. I frowned a bit and shifted my foot away and turned back to the meeting.

A bit later, I felt another nudge on my foot and I once again saw Tristan's foot retreat back to his side of the table. Oh so he wanted to play this game...

I have heels so bring it on bitch.

The next time he nudged me, I pretended not to notice. So, he kept prodding me and I sighed an exasperated sigh. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tristan smile victoriously. However, right before his foot could retreat, as discreetly as I could, I ground onto his foot with my heel. I saw his face cringe in pain as he whipped his foot away.

I tried to keep my face expressionless, so that no one would notice our foot war. But I couldn't help but snort a bit, and a few people's heads turned to me.

Oh gosh.

Well no one noticed our foot battles, but they certianly noticed me and my... queer noise.

"Is there something wrong Ms. Egan?" Mr. Whatwashisname asked.

"No, I'm sorry," I apologized. "It's just that,-" I quickly tried to think of an excuse as to why I made such an atrocious noise for a lady..

"Ms. Egan here is having some gastral issues," Tristan piped in. My jaw dropped in shock. What?

"Oh, well then I do hope your feeling better," Mr. Iforgothisname said sympathetically. The meeting resumed and my father glared at me as he warned me not no embarrass him anymore in front of his colleagues.

I glared at Tristan. "What was that?" I mouthed to him.

He pretended to be totally absorbed in the meeting and ignored me. I huffed in annoyance and also turned my attention back to the meeting. It was so boring.

After another few agonizing minutes, from the corner of my eye, I spotted a piece of paper landing next to my elbow. Looking around the room the make sure no one was looking, I unfolded the paper. Inside was a drawing of a hangman hanger and underneath it were four dashes, a space, and another eight dashes.

I looked at Tristan to see him raising his eyebrows. "Wanna play?" he mouthed.

He'd already gotten me into trouble. I didn't want to take the chance again. "No," I mouthed back.

His eyes narrowed. "Chicken," I heard him say under his breath.

Excuse me? 

Well, this was better than the meeting, so why not? I quickly wrote down eand flicked the paper back at Tristan. He wrote down the letter in one of the spaces and passed it back to me.

Ha. I was so good at this.

The next few minutes were wasted on hangman. I wasn't as fortunate with my guesses as my first one, so I ended up losing.

What's the answer? I wrote on the paper.

I saw Tristan smirk a little and scibble something down. He tossed it to me and I opened up the paper eagerly.

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