Chapter 12

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Hey guys. I've come back for good. No more month waits! I'm so sorry for leaving. I've been discouraged, but thanks to my dear friend, @sourpatchchildren, I'm back.

Thanks to all my readers who've stayed with me!

I was led into the living room. My parents kept throwing me smiles (more like grimaces) as they walked me there, and I felt nothing but fear and apprehension as I followed them. My mother and father were very unpredictable people, and I never had any idea of whatever sick plans they had in store. A shiver ran down my back.

They sat down into their chairs and motioned me to do the same as well. I walked as slowly as I could to prolong the wait until the horrible announcement that they would make. I only sped up because my mother was eyeing me impatiently.

I prayed my mother wasn't pregnant. It'd be horrible for a miniature of my parents to be brought to this world. If my parents hadn't already achieved world domination, they'd probably try to push it to the child into it. And even if the child was kind, it would be cruel to bring him or her into my society.

I was getting ahead of myself.

Calming myself down, I took a deep breath and asked, "What would you like to tell me?"

Barely able to contain her pleasure and excitement, my mother exclaimed, "Honey, you're getting married!"

What? When did this happen?

I pinched myself discreetly just to make sure I wasn't going crazy or anything. When it was clear from my throbbing skin that I wasn't dreaming, I gave a shaky laugh and once again asked, "What?"

My father frowned, obviously annoyed at my ignorance. "Darling," he bit out. "You're getting married."

The picture didn't seem right. Let's have a review. My parents come home excitedly, and I'm confused as to why they're excited. They sit me down and tell me I'm getting married, and I'm surprised. I think there's something wrong... The situation seems... backwards?

Before I opened my mouth to ask any more questions, my father began his speech. Sitting up a little straighter, he proudly announced, "I've made an amazing deal with a dear dear friend of mine. And now, you're getting married in two months."

I stared at him slack-jawed.

He grinned at my mother and chuckled, "I have to say, we got quite a deal. But I am a negotiator. It's his stupid loss! I suppose it's a good thing he isn't smart enough to see what a bad deal he got on his side. Well all the better for us isn't it dear?"

Finally, the situation sunk into my thick skull and I fully realized what was happening. I shot up out of my chair and screamed, "Holy SH!T!" I was getting married?

"You never discussed this with me!" I yelled. "I don't even get to choose who I marry?"

"Oh, honey," my mother smiled a smile I wanted to slap off of her stupid face. "You'll be glad that we managed to catch this man. I thought you were surely going to get married to that lowly boyfriend of yours."

Furious, I pointed at her. "First off, Owen is not lowly and not my boyfriend. Just a friend. Second, he has more dignity and respect than you."

My mother, offended, placed her heavily bejeweled hand on her chest delicately. "Excuse me?"

"You are NOT excused," I fumed. "You had NO permission to do this! I had no idea that this would ever happen! I thought you both would let me choose my future if I took over the business and got into University of Columbia. We agreed on that. Not this!" I exclaimed, waving my hands around wildly, trying to express how angry I was.

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