Chapter 5

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I left my parent's mansion and went back to my little apartment. With a sigh, I flopped onto my bed. It was already almost time for lunch, yet I wasn't hungry at all. In the past twenty four hours, my life seemed to take a complete one-eighty.

I'd met a stupid Italian jerk, a group of Spanish thugs, a group of Spanish thugettes (was that even a word?) and a French girl. Sure, some parts had been fun and adventerous, but it was a bit to reckless for my taste. I mean, meeting the thugs wasn't exactly the highlight of my day.

I'd left my phone in my apartment when I'd left yesterday so I checked my phone, and saw that I had recieved about fifty messages and twenty missed calls from Ari. Smiling, I called her back. 

"BITCH WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN," was the first thing she said when she answered.

"Well, hello to you, too sunshine," I greeted.

"Don't you 'hello' me miss. I've been freaking out! I heard you were missing and when I couldn't reach you, I was already planning your funeral." she angrily grumbled.

I laughed. Ari never failed to take things overboard and act all too dramatic.

"What flowers do you want on your grave?" she asked sarcastically. "So next time when I'm planning your funeral, I know which flowers you want." she said.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I apolgized. "I won't get lost again."

"That's what you said last time. And now I went on an eating spree again. And I was planning to ose a bit of weight, too." she blamed.

Ari is curvy, She's got all the curves, and she has the hourglasss body that everyone craves. It's just that she's very... very curvy.

She has natural junk in the trunk, while Kim Kardashian has a buttload of fake in her ass. Anyways, I had to endure half an hour of Ari yelling my ear off for ruining her diet plan.

But the message got through.

She was worried about me.

After half an hour, she ended the phone call, claiming she needed her daily intake of calories. It was lunch time, and she was on a fish diet. All the meat she ate would be strictly fish, and she planned on losing about ten pounds. I didn't see it to be neccessary, but whatever floats her boat.

I decided to go to a sanwhich place for lunch, and as I was walking, I thought things from the previous night's events over again. "I'll never go down that alleyway again," I swore.

The day was very New York-like, with everyone rushing to be everywhere. It was summer, so the typical tourists were taking pictures and pointing out different things they didn't have where they lived. I smiled.

Today seemed like it would be more peaceful and I worked up a bit of an appetite from the walk.

I entered the shop and took a seat around the back corner of the restaurant. After I placed my order, I lazily surveyed the people around me. There was just an old lady in a pink jogger's outfit and a lovey dovey couple sharing a sandwich.

The light tinkle of a bell sounded as someone entered the shop. Being the nosy person I was, I looked up and my heart dropped.

Tristan Valente.

And to think I thought today was going to be peaceful.

He spotted me and a slow smirk made its way onto his face. I turned away in dislike as he made his way over to my table.

"Don't you have work to be taking care of? You're always so busy after all. How many people did you knock over today?" I asked.

"I'm on a lunch break," he replied airily.

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