Chapter 2: I'm here for you

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TW: abuse, some strong language

Dream heard a faint cry from the other side of the call. "George talk to me. I need to know what happened and if you're alright. Please." Nothing came in from the other side of the line. "George?"

"I-I'm just so scared Clay." George whispered.

George only ever called Dream Clay when he was being serious. "George it's gonna be alright. Can you go somewhere else? Why don't you go back to your house? You can sneak out really quick. They won't even notice." Dream didn't know if that was the right thing to say, but it was all he could manage to push out. He hated seeing George like this. It made him so mad how his parents treated him. They would call him mean names and degrade him. Dream felt like he needed to protect him.

"I-I can try to get a-away. I just have t-to be fast. W-will you stay on the phone p-please?" George managed to say.

"George you're shaking! Of course I will stay on the phone."

"Thank you."

"Of course Georgie."


Dream could hear George's parents fighting in the background and it filled him with so much rage.

What the fuck is wrong with his parents. He deserves better. I can give him better.

Wait. Dreams mind went in circles. He came up with an idea, but it was a long shot. What if George came to America? He would be far away from his parents. He would never have to see them again.

He could live with Dream.

He was drawn away from his thoughts when he heard a loud crash. It sounded like something had been thrown across the room. Dream could hear George start running and he became tense. What would he do if something happened to George?

What would happen if the man he loves got hurt.

Dream heard a door close and George's car door open. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest now that George was safe.

"Dream?" George whispered.

"George. You're ok right? I heard something crash." Dream replied.

"I'm ok." George sighed.


On the car ride back, Dream stayed on the phone with George. he didn't want to hang up until he knew George was safe in his home. George insisted Dream go to sleep, but Dream didn't give in. He had to make sure he was safe. The two started talking, although George seemed uncomfortable.

"Was this why you were acting different today?" Dream asked.

"Yes. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought that out on you. I shouldn't have brought you into all this either." George replied.

"George you don't need to be sorry. You can't control this. Your parents are just..."


"Going through something."

"Dream you can say they are terrible people. I don't mind. I mean, I grew up with them."

Dream felt like he had said the wrong thing and sighed. "I'm so sorry George."

"For what?"

"For everything. You don't deserve this. Can I ask you something?" Dream asked.

"Sure. What is it?" George replied.

Dream hesitated before speaking, not knowing if it was the right thing to say. He wondered how he would react. He was scared. "I know you hate living by your parents, and just in Europe in general. You talk about moving to America all the time, and how you want to be closer to your friends."

"What are you saying?" George asked.

"Well... do you maybe want to move to America and live with me? I know it's a long shot, but just think. You would be away from your parents, be able to be in a warm place (Florida), and..."

Be with me

"Be with friends!"

"Wait really? I mean, we would have to work it out and everything. But..."

"But?" Dream said quietly.

"I'm in! This is gonna be great! Getting to live with you and... OH MY GOD I'LL BE ABLE TO SEE YOUR FACE!!!!" George screamed.

Dream hadn't thought of that but, it couldn't be too bad. "Oh yeah haha. I didn't think of that."

"I bet you look cute." George said.

Dream blushed. He practically got as red as a strawberry. He didn't know why. George and Dream always called each other cute on stream as a joke, but never outside of it. What was going on? Why did he feel so warm and tingly when George had said that? Was he falling for George?


The two spent the rest of their night planning George's travels. Neither of them slept at all. They bought his ticket, bought some things for his room, (which would be Dream's spare room in his new house) and picked the date. They also made an appointment for George and Dream to both get tested for Covid, so they could stay safe. Dream couldn't believe it was all happening. It was like a dream come true. He couldn't wait till he could see George.

Till he could hold him

Dream couldn't stop thinking of things like that. In a way, it disgusted him. He thought he was just taking advantage of the situation. I mean, he just wanted to see him. He had to contain himself. It wasn't like George maybe liked him back. I mean, he didn't even know if he was gay. It didn't matter. This was about George and his struggles.

"Dream?" George texted him.

"What's up?" He replied, uneasy after the day they had.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course Gogy. What is it?"

"Why do you care so much about me?"


"Why? Like, even when i'm mean to you, you still help me. You are always there for me. Especially after today when I was acting disappointed."

"George, I would do anything for you. You are my best friend."

"Thank you Dream. You truly are the best friend anyone could ask for :)"

Friend. That's what Dream wanted to change. He wanted more. George made his heart tingle. He gave him motivation. He made him happy, even on the worst days. It sounds stupid, but what if George was his... soulmate. That wasn't the point right now though, he just wanted to make George happy. That's all.

Word count: 1045

Authors note: This is probably around how long most chapters will be. I hope you guys like this and are gonna stick with the story! I appreciate the reads we have so far already! I know I posted this the same day, so whoops lol. I got bored :)

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