Chapter 6: Dream's so strong. He never breaks down ;)

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The sun shined through George's window and pierced Dream's eyes. Dream looked up slowly, making sure to not wake George. George looked so precious when he was sleeping. Dream looked at his chest, going up and down with every slight breath. Dream slowly slipped out of the bed and tiptoed downstairs. He glanced towards the kitchen clock and saw it was 10 am.

Wow. We slept so long.

The door opened and a slight breeze came through. Dream saw Sapnap, and instantly a smile spread across his groggy face.

"Hey! I texted you saying I was coming back, but you must have been asleep." Dream sighed as he put down his overnight bag. Sapnap looked tired and Dream could tell he stayed up late the night before.

"Oh sorry." Dream said as he gave Sapnap a slight smile and rubbed the back of his neck. "Me and George just fell asleep after the rough night we had."

Sapnap's emotion changed. A concerned look spread across his face like a wildfire. "Is he alright? What happened?"

Dream spent the rest of the morning explaining everything to Sapnap. Sapnap seemed genuinely concerned. Although Dream knew Sapnap was genuine and kind, he just scarcely ever showed it. Dream's eyes started watering as he was explaining how hurt George was. It brought him back to last night and how George was crying so much, his eyes closed. He was startled when he felt rivers of tears coming from his eyes. Sapnap got up and embraced him in a calming hug. The creaking of stairs was distantly heard, and Dream turned to face them. Teary eyed and everything.


George was concerned. His eyes were still red from the night before, but he looked better. "Dream? Sapnap? What's going on?" Dream looked away and wiped off his tears. You could tell he had been crying, but he ignored that.

"It's nothing George." Sapnap chimed in after Dream didn't reply. Dream stared at the floor, trying not to show George he was vulnerable. Dream looked up at Sapnap and flashed him a look through his eyes, signaling he was saying thank you. Sapnap returned the look with a smile and eyes that said; no problem.

"Dream. look at me." George said calmly. Dream knew there was no escape. He slowly turned around and met George's eyes. George walked over from across the room and grabbed Dream's face. "Dream. What's going on?"

Dream's eyes quickly met the floor. "I-I just was thinking about what you've been going through, and how hard it is to see you in so much pain. When I told Sapnap what had happened, it sparked up inside of me again. I'm sorry."

"Dream! Don't be sorry. Don't be sad for me! I'm alright, and that's because of... well, you."

Dream looked back up and into the deep craters in George's eyes. A slight smile brightened his face and the tears stopped coming from his eyes.

"You are so clingy George!" Dream chuckled.

"Shut up! I thought we were having a moment!" George shot Dream a glance.

"You are such a simp George." Sapnap added.

"WHAT?!" George looked surprised.

"Don't think I don't know you guys slept together last night." Sapnap said as he rolled his eyes.

"How did you know!? Also, it's not like that! He slept on one side and I slept on the other!" George snickered.

Although it was just a silly argument, the words George had said still hurt him.

It's not like that!

Dream had one wish, and one wish only. He just wanted to be able to tell George about his feelings. But how? He didn't want to ruin the relationship he had. They were best friends. He couldn't do that to George.


In the following days, everyone helped set up George's room, and they decided Sapnap would stay in George's room until he left. That meant that George and Dream would share a room. Dream was actually really surprised when George happily suggested it. He got all flustered and turned a dark shade of pink. It happened so fast, he didn't notice Sapnap look over and stare at him.

The last Monday that Sapnap was there, they all decided to watch a movie. After minutes of George and Sapnap bickering back and forth, they decided to watch The Night at the Museum. George had never watched it, and he was glued into the movie the second it started.

Sappy nappy :) is typing...

"Dream" Sapnap typed out.

Dream looked over at Sapnap, confused as to why he would text him.

"Yes Sap?" He replied.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course. Can I ask something first?"

"Fire away."

"Why are you texting me during the movie. I'm literally right here. Just talk to me." Dream chuckled out loud. Sapnap shot him a daring look.

"Shut up! This is serious!"

"Ok ok. What is it?"

"I know you like George."

Dream's heart stopped. He couldn't know could he? He looked over slowly at Sapnap.

"I do not. What are you even thinking?"

"I can see you blushing idiot."

Sapnap shot him another glance. Dream looked at his dark reflection in his phone. He couldn't believe himself. How could he let himself get this way? He suddenly realized that George might be looking at him. He tended up and sneakily looked at George, who was now laying in the crook of Dream's elbow.Luckily, George was too hooked into the movie. Dream let out a slow exhale.

"I'm telling you I don't like him Sap. Please leave it."

"Dream. I just want you to know that I can see it. Wether you do, or not."

Dream looked over at Sapnap and made eye contact.

"Hey Georgie. I have to show Sapnap something on my PC. Is it alright if we're gone for a second?" Dream whispered, just loud enough for Sapnap to overhear.

"Yup! Be back soon." George replied with the most welcoming smile.Dream didn't ever want to part from George, but he needed to set Sapnap straight. He couldn't let him find out.

"Follow me Sapnap." Dream said quietly.

"But the movie!!!!" Sapnap whined.

"Now." Dream firmly stated. He didn't want anymore of Sapnap's bullshit.

Word count: 1035

a/n: Thank you so much for 48 reads :) I'm so thankful! I cant wait for you guys to see what is in store for this story! Have a great night <3

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