Chapter 7: Forever yours

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"Sapnap" Dream sighed and looked down, his lips pursed. He didn't want to say another word.

"Dream. What the heck! I was watching that movie!" Sapnap quietly yelled, obviously not noticing how upset Dream was. Dream wanted to listen to his mind and just lie again to Sapnap, but his heart had other options.

"I-I Sapnap." Dream let out a deep sigh that seemed to go on forever. Dream looked up to meet Sapnap's eyes. Sapnap's emotions quickly changed as he saw how hurt Dream looked. He started walking over to him, but Dream pushed away. He didn't need any comfort right now. No distractions. "Sapnap. Just listen to me. You were right."

"Right about what?"

"About how I feel about..." Dream paused. He could still turn this around and keep his feelings to himself. He looked around, trying to stall so he wouldn't have to let it all out. He hated showing his emotions. "George."

Sapnap's face shot up like a cannon. A devious smile spread across his face like smooth butter. "I KNEW IT!"

"Shut up! I don't want George to know!" Little did he know, it was too late.


"W-what's going on?"

Dream broke down on the inside. His heart was ready to be broken the second he heard George's voice. He prepared himself and turned around to meet George.

"How long have you been standing there?" Dream said quietly, trying to keep himself from braking down all together. He was ready for George to say he knew everything. He was ready to hold in his tears until he could somehow get away.

"A while. I guess." George said making eye contact with Dream. Dream took a deep breath as he watched Sapnap open his mouth. He wasn't ready for the words that were about to escape his lips.

"Oh... so you know that Dream likes you?"

"W-wait what? I just heard Sapnap scream I knew it and came to see what was going on."

Dream broke down. He couldn't believe it. It was all Sapnap's fault. If he hadn't have screamed, George wouldn't have ever come up here. If he would have just let Dream talk, George would have never found out. Dream's heart started to crack. A rock had been pushed on top of him, and he could barely get up to recover. He started walking out of the room, but George graved his arm.

"It can't be true right?" George chuckled. It's just a joke right? Is it?" George said staring deep into Dream's eyes.

"George. Please don't do this to me." Dream said as his eyes got watery.

George gently grabbed his face. "Clay. Please. I need to know."

"Please George." Dream cried out, his watering eyes quivering.

"Clay. I'm serious. I need to know."

Dream couldn't believe him. He didn't understand why George couldn't just fucking leave him alone. He had asked multiple time. Couldn't he see the pain he was in? Couldn't he see the anger across his face?


George's face froze. He started hobbling backwards. Out from George's eyes had come rivers of tears. He took short breaths.

Dream walked out of the room and made his way down to the living room. He quickly grabbed a blanket and a pillow from the couch. He knew he would get cold at night. He went out the front door, not even looking back. He just wanted to get out. He slammed the door and got into his car. It was a cold night, colder than usual. Dream put the key in and started the engine. He looked in his mirror and noticed he too, had been crying. Before he could shift into gear, Sapnap came running to Dream's car.

"Please Dream. Let me in." Sapnap pleaded as he knocked on the glass window. Dream didn't even think before letting him in. Sapnap slipped into the chilly car and sat down. "Dream. What the fuck."

"I know. I just need to get out of here. Please let me." Dream said as he cried quietly.

"Dream you can't. You aren't mentally stable enough right now. I don't want you getting hurt." Sapnap firmly said. Dream knew he had hurt more than one person that night.

"Please just let me go. I-I'll come back if you let me. Later tonight. I promise." Dream wasn't lying this time. He meant it. He just had to clear his mind.

"Are you sure? You promise?"

"I promise."

"Ok. But, you at least have to tell me where you're going."

Dream knew he had to. He knew Sapnap wouldn't let him go if he didn't. "I'm going down to the beach."

"Ok. Stay safe. Be home soon. Also, I don't forgive you. That was a dick move."

Dream couldn't help but think about George. Everything in him wanted to go back and see him, but after what he had just done, he didn't know if he would ever be able to face him again.


TW: suicide. I wanted to put this here so if anyone who wanted to skip over this, they could still read the first part.

Dream had warmed up during the car ride to the beach. He never really had to heat the car up, but now he was very grateful for the feature. He pulled off the road and took a deep breath before leaving his car.

Because it was so late at night, there was no one there.

Good. I'll have time to myself.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and examined the notifications he had from George.

"Clay where are you."

"Sapnap went out to talk to you. Please talk to him."

*3 missed calls from Gogy <3

"Clay please don't leave."

"Clay. Don't leave me."

"Clay we need to talk."

*5 missed calls from Gogy <3

"Tell me where you went. I'll come find you."



*1 missed call from Gogy<3

"Don't give up on me."

"Don't give up on us.

Dream took a deep breath.

"George. I'm so sorry. I can't believe I said those things to you. I know you were just curious. I know you didn't try to hurt me. That's why it makes it so much harder to say goodbye. I love you so much George. I'm so sorry. I hope you can understand. I know I never showed it, but I'm dying on the inside. I can't do it anymore. I'm all alone. I'm trapped. I cant find a way out of this. There is only one option. I know if I choose this option, you won't understand. George I'm sorry. Keep Sapnap happy for me. I never seemed to be able to. Don't come for me. I love you George. I'll see you in another life.

I'm forever yours."
-delivered 10s ago

*read 2s ago

Dream was satisfied. He finally told George everything. He was fulfilled. He looked across the dark sky and just... smiled. It was the first time in a long time, that he was actually happy. Tears continued to steadily roll down his face. He ignored the ringing on his phone. He assumed it was George, but he didn't care. George wouldn't have to worry about him anymore soon. He looked up towards the sky. It was so beautiful. He could see every star in the sky. It was almost as beautiful as George. The love of his life. Wow. He admitted it. He finally realized. He looked up one last time before taking out his pocket knife, and taking one last breath.

Word count: 1271

a/n: Ok. Deep breaths everyone. I know this was a hard chapter. I want everyone to know that I am her for you. Just message me <3 Your problems are valid and I'm proud you are here.

On another not, Thank you guys for 70 reads!!! I can't believe it :) Thank you. I might post the next chapter tonight, so stay tuned <3

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