Ch. 20 "Sad memories"

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                                                   Lilly POV 

Later Me and Daddy were on a ship while the team went inside Daddy was on stand by for code green, 

I held onto daddy's pant leg, 

Until something red flowed through the air and Daddy started turning green, 

I smelled the air, I smell something, 

"Lilly Run!!" Daddy said turning into Hulk, 

Hulk looked down at me, I held my hand out and he pressed his giant hand against my little one, then he jumped over me and started running, 

"Daddy!" I went to run after him 

But a tall guy with white hair was suddenly in front of me, 

My breathing was getting ragged, 

Don't loose control, don't loose control, I said inside my head 

"Where you going tiny?" He said 

I backed up slowly, 

until I back up into someone, I tuned around to see a girl, with long brown hair, the red surrounded me but she backed up startled, 

"Sister what is it?" The guy said 

"Her mind screams," She said in an accent 

"In pain," She said 

I slowly started backing up, 

then Ultron lands beside them, 

"Good you've caught the child," He said 

Then I hear screams, and Hulk daddy roar, 

"Daddy!" I yelled 

I went to run, but I was picked up, 

"No! No let me go! I have to help him!" I said squirming 

"Sorry I can't have you taming the hulk, we need him as a distraction," Ultron said 

I started getting angry, which resulted in me involuntarily growling, 

"Wanda if you would please," Ultron said 

I looked at the girl, she had sadness in her eyes when she looked at me then everything went black 

                                         Wanda POV 

"Can you get in her mind?" Pietro said 

"I can now that's she's asleep," I said 

I focused and entered her mind, 

It was cold, as I breathed you could see your own breath, the twigs and leaves crunched as you walked, 

I see two figures carrying a small child, the child didn't look any older than two, 

"Lilly stay here on this stump and we will be back," The woman said 

"Yes mommy," Lilly said 

"And remember don't move," The father said sternly 

"Yes daddy," Lilly said sadly 

The two parents left, 

Lilly held herself shivering, as the sun started to go down, as it got dark it got more cold, and as the colder it got the more Lilly shivered, 

Early in the morning it started pouring down freezing rain but Lilly didn't move just like her parents instructed her to, 

Lilly did her best to keep warm but the buckets of freezing rain did nothing for her, 

On the fifth day that was when Lilly finally left the stump, 

"Five days, she didn't move," I mumbled 

Lilly got down on all fours and shifted into a wolf, making her way to a cave curling up into a ball, 

                              Time Skip, 

Lilly in wolf form was laying in the cave when a bunch of villagers ambushed her, cutting her up, after she escaped she was too weak to even remain in her animal form, she walked through the woods, 

Until she saw a man, 

Mr. Banner, 

"Hello?" He said 

I watched as she hesitantly walked out of the woods, and how caring Banner was towards this child who was abandoned, 

left to die, I thought 

I gasped stumbling back,

"What is it sister?" Pietro said 

"I know why he has a soft spot for the child," I said looking at the child in my brother's arms, 

full of regret separating her from the only person who has ever cared for her, I thought 

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