Ch. 31 " Earth"

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                                                          Lilly POV 

In my large wolf form and severely injured, I lay on the ground I put up a fight to protect them but I couldn't, 

[Looking out the large window we saw at the end of "Thor: Ragnarok".

"I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless. [grabs Thor by the head.] It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say...I AM." Thanos said 

[Thanos holds up his hand to reveal the Infinity Gauntlet, which already hosts the Power Stone.]

 [exhaustedly spitting blood from his mouth

"You talk too much." Thor said 

 [to Loki

"The Tesseract, or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference." Thanos said 

" Oh, I do. Kill away!" Loki said 

[Thanos sets the gauntlet on Thor's temple. The power stone glows brightly. Thor suffers in pain.]

I tried to get up only falling to the ground and whining 

"Stay down child," Thanos said 

 [cringing and looking away from his brother's pain and has just thought for a few seconds

"ALRIGHT, STOP!" Loki yelled

" We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard." Thor said 

[Loki glances at Thor like he knows something he doesn't. He lifts his right hand into the air and the Tesseract reveals itself]

"You really are the worst, brother." Thor said 

While holding the Tesseract out to Thanos and advancing

"I assure you, brother, the Sun will shine on us again." Loki said 

" Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian," Thanos said 

" Well, for one thing: I'm not Asgardian. And for another... We have a Hulk." Loki said 

[Loki dives out of the way as Daddy Hulk emerges and fights Thanos. Punches are exchanged and Thanos is forced into the wall of the ship. Maw stops Black Dwarf from interfering.]

"Let him have his fun." Ebony said 

[Thanos defeats daddy Hulk and dumps him to the ground. Thor tries to interfere but Ebony Maw binds him to the ground.]

I slowly and weakly get up shakily 

Daddy I walked to daddy looking down at him, then looking at Thanos 

" Allfathers... let the dark magic flow through me one last... time." Heimdall:

[Heimdall summons the Bifrost, which carries daddy Hulk  and me away.]

                                         Third Person POV 

(to VISION) 

"Give up the Stone, and she lives." Corvus Glaive: said 

(Vision flies with CORVUS to the roof of what appears to be a church. PROXIMA and Wanda are still fighting below. Vision shoots a beam from the mind stone at CORVUS, who uses his glaive to deflect it back at Vision, causing him to slam into the wall behind him.)

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