Ch. 9 "Captured"

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                                                                            Lilly POV

Hulk leaned down and pressed his forehead against mine, just like daddy does when I'm upset about something,

"Little one go safe," Hulk said 

"But..." I said 

"Little one go safe!" He yelled 

I nodded, I kissed his cheek, 

"Please come back," I said looking at him with worried eyes, 

Hulk smiled and nodded 

With that I ran to find a safe spot, to hide, 

I was hiding in the room I slept in a few nights ago when I heard someone come out of no where 

I turned around and gasped seeing Loki, 

"Looks like I found you my little pawn," He said smirking 

I went to run but he grabbed me by the back of my shirt lifting me in the air, I had my hands into fists as I swung my arms, 

"You're a feisty little thing aren't you," He said 

"Let me go!" I yelled 

"I'm sorry my pawn but I can not do that," He said smirking 

I did the one thing I could at this point I screamed as loud as my lungs could handle, and since I can shape shift into any animal it was pretty loud, 

                                               Third Person POV 

While Tony and Steve were busy trying to fix the ship they both heard a ear piercing scream, 

"Lilly!" Steve yelled in a panic 

"Go I got this!" Tony said 

Natasha was busy fighting Clint when she heard the ear piercing scream which stunned Clint just enough to give her the opening she needed to knock him out, 

Steve rushed towards the scream, when he opens the door, he sees Loki holding Lilly by the back of the shirt in the air, 

"Loki let her go!" Steve said glaring at him, 

"Oh no, I do not think so I have big plans for this one, until next time," Loki said as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke, 

"No!" Steve dove after them but they were gone, 

                                                  Bruce POV

I woke up in the middle of rubble, naked, 

A guard doing his rounds looked astonished, 

"You fell from the sky," The man said 

"Did I hurt anybody?" I asked 

"There's nobody around here to get hurt you did scare the hell out of some pigeons though," The man said 

"Lucky," I said 

"Or just good aim, you were awake when you fell," The man said 

"You saw?" I asked 

"The whole thing right through the ceiling big and green and buck ass nude," The man said 

"Here," The man said 

He throws me a pair of pants, 

"I didn't think those would fit you until you shrunk down to a regular size fella," The man said 

"Thank you," I said 

"Are you a alien?" The man asked 

"What?" I asked 

"From outer space an alien?" The man said 

"No," I said 

"Well then so you've got a condition," The man said 

I looked up to the sky and all I could think about was Lilly, she wasn't afraid of us, and Hulk didn't attack her either, I just hope she is alright, 

                                                       Lilly POV

I am now currently cuffed to a pole in a tall tower, 

"Let me go!" I yelled as I yanked on the cuff around my wrist, 

"Oh I don't think so my pawn," Loki said smirking at me, 

"Why did you take me?" I said 

"Because you are collateral just incase things go south," Loki said 

My animal inside my head was close from breaking lose, it was very hard to keep it under control all that I did know is I wished daddy was here, I thought as I brought my knees to my chest and buried my head in them 

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