Ch. 7 "As long as I'm breathing"

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                                                                  Lilly POV

I'm now sitting at a table across from Natasha, Daddy left me with her for now, the food on the plate I didn't recognize it was round with some kind of sticky stuff on it, 

Okay Okay, Lilly don't panic, I reached for the round silverware, but then backed off, 

No, No that's not right, maybe the sharp one I reached for then backed my hand away again 

No that's not right either, 

I scratched my head, this stuff is hard, I'm used to being an animal using just my teeth, I thought 

I guess Natasha must have been watching, 

"You use this one," she said handing me the fork gently and smiling at me 

"T-Thank you," I said 

"What is it?" I asked looking down at the plate, 

"Pancakes, haven't you ever had pancakes doesn't your daddy cook?" Natasha asked 

"Haven't had them before," I said 

I took a bite and it was delicious I guess the look on my face explained it because she chuckled 

I ate up all the pancakes on my plate, 

Natasha told me to stay put she had to do something but I got bored so I decided to go find daddy, I sniff for his scent, 

And follow it, I'm back in the lab and see Daddy,

He turned around a little surprised 

"Lilly? I thought I left you with Natasha," He said walking up to me picking me up gently, 

"So told me to stay put... but I got bored," I said laying my head on his shoulder, 

Daddy looked at his watch, 

"My god you must be exhausted, come on lets get you somewhere to sleep," Daddy said as he carried me out of the room, 

After finding a place daddy laid me in the bed, he covered me up,He went to leave, 

"Daddy?" I asked 

"Yeah, sweetheart?" He said looking back at me, 

"Your not gonna leave me are you?" I asked 

He walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it, 

"Lilly, as long as I am still breathing I will never leave you," Daddy said 

"What if ..." I said 

"Listen sweetheart I will never leave you behind no matter what okay," He said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, 

"Okay," I said 

He kissed my forehead, 

"Now get some sleep," Daddy said 

I nodded 

"Goodnight," I said 

"Goodnight," Daddy said leaving the room 

                                                        Bruce POV

Poor Lilly she keeps asking if I am going to leave her, I guess that is because of what happened how her own parents left her on a stump in the middle of the woods, 

But as long as me and the big guy are alive I'm never going to do that, I thought 

I was smiling thinking at how she calls me daddy so naturally, I walked into the lab seeing Tony still working, 

He looks up, 

"How's the little pumpkin doing?" Tony asked 

I looked at him confused, 

"Lilly," He said 

"Oh good she was tired fell asleep right away," I said 

He nodded, 

"She seems quite attached to you considering you're not her real father," Tony said 

I looked at him shocked, 

"It's in The files I stole and more, Tony said 

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