Chapter Twenty Two: Disclosure

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Thell glanced at Theldar cautiously as she descended the stairs, holding a water canteen in one hand. He was slouched as usual against the post, his hand still hanging from where he was cuffed. It was midday; Thell had spent most of the morning having Din redress her wounds in the house, and the bacta had done its work, working quickly to heal her wounds. The electrocution on her leg was different, and would take longer, but she was determined to get back to herself again.

What did that mean, anyway? She had been taken, beaten severely, drugged, and tossed into the middle of nowhere. It didn't feel like she amounted much to anyone except Din and the kid.

Theldar's voice threw her out of her trance, shaking her back to reality.

"What's his plan anyway?" He asked.

"Huh?" Thell questioned, stepping a foot closer.

The man threw his head in the direction of the house. "Your Mandalorian friend. Does he plan to use me as bait or something?"

Thell's eyes flickered in the direction of the house, then curiously back to the man. "I don't know," she answered honestly. Din had barely spoken on anything having to do with the kid.

Thell stepped closer again, throwing him the canteen. He caught it at once, juggling it between his hands. She was going to say something else when she heard loud steps behind her, and Din approaching the both of them. He placed his hand on her elbow quickly, his silent way of asking her if she was okay, and Thell gave him a half smile.

When she looked back at the man, his brows were furrowed, gaze flickering between the both of them.

"Ohhhhh," he said under his breath. "So, you two are like, together together, right? I'm seeing that clearly? Strange... I thought Mandalorians only favored their own kind."

The comment stung, even though Thell knew it wasn't true. She chewed on the inside of her cheek, watching Din take a step towards the man. The comment hadn't seemed to effect him; if it did, Thell couldn't tell by just looking at the blank helmet.

"We're going to ask you some questions, and I need you to answer them, unless you want a hole in your head."

"It's not like I have anywhere else to go."

Din motioned for Thell, and she limped forward, holding herself on Din's outstretched arm.

"I need you to tell me everything about Seba," Thell said. "And your kid. And where you came from. Everything."

The man eyed them both. "... I'm assuming I can't ask why." When they didn't move, he sighed and readjusted on the ground. "Alright... I'll tell you. You don't look Empire anyway, but you two ask some weird questions. But I don't know why you're asking, so don't expect me to spice everything up."

"I met Seba Sai'Lya when I was a teenager, and we both lived on Coruscant. I loved her from the moment I met her. She was headstrong, argumentative, but brave, and insanely compassionate. Above all else, she cared about the people she loved. We met while both visiting the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and immediately clicked. We shared the same values, had the same dreams... She was perfect.

"I was Mandalorian, Clan Eldar, and usually I would have married into the Mandalorian Clan.... But things with Seba were different, she was different. We got married when we were older, but by that time, unrest was already starting within the Republic. We knew we had to leave Coruscant before things got bad, so we did. I had to sell almost everything to get us to a safe haven... even Seba's most prized possessions. When she found out that I had sold her things but not even one piece of my own armor, she told me to leave. She thought that I believed my Mandalorian identity was more important than my family... than the daughter I had to leave behind. She was no older than a year the last time I saw her, big brown eyes and copper hair... Almost like yours, little one."

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