Chapter Eleven: Starlight

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"I was young. Eight, nine, I can't remember exactly. My parents were killed in an explosion trying to hide me from the droids that invaded our village. I almost died that day; I would have if the Watch hadn't shown up. I became a foundling that day. I was raised by the Watch, and I was happy to be in their care. They had saved me, after all.

"When I was older I joined the Tribe on Nevarro. It's where I acquired my armor. Once I swore the Creed, it meant I could never take my helmet off again, or have it removed by another. If it was, I would never be allowed to put it back on again... I would cease to be a true Mandalorian. I was trained to be a warrior growing up, and once I was older I joined the Bounty Hunter's Guild. It paid well, harnessed my training, and gave me something to do."

Thell blinked slowly, processing his words.

"That was until I was assigned to kill the kid. I didn't even know he was a child at the time. I knew as soon as I saw him that I couldn't let him be taken... there are people out there who are risking everything trying to find him... for what, I'm not exactly sure. I just know that he's more powerful than I understand... and he's just a kid.

"I had always thought that all Mandalorians followed the Children of the Watch's beliefs. I believed that all were taught to hide their faces, because our secrecy is our survival. But Bo-Katan took her's off like it was nothing. They all did, and they told me they were true Mandalorians. I didn't know until then that I had been raised by the Watch. Bo said it was a cult that broke off from traditional Mandalorian ways."

"So... no one's seen your face since you were a kid?"

He dipped his head. "Yes. When I joined the Tribe, I hid myself. My identity, my name... everything about me became a secret. It had to be that way."

"For you to survive?"


"Wasn't it ever lonely?" Thell asked quietly. "The life of a bounty hunter doesn't sound too glamorous."

"It isn't... and it is lonely. I don't stop with the jobs. Once I finish one, I move on to the next. It's always been like that. I don't have time to sit and settle."

"Hm... So that's what you've been doing since you were young."

"Yes. I stay primarily in the Outer Rim. Since the Empire fell, there hasn't been a shortage of bounties."

"... Don't take this the wrong way... but if you know the Watch is a cult, and the other Mandalorians take their helmets off, why don't you?"

"I was raised under the Watch. It's the only thing I know." He turned to face her, slowly. "This is the Way."

"Well, for what's worth," Thell said. "You're the nicest bounty hunter I've ever met."

He chuckled, just the slightest lift of his shoulders that had Thell smiling back at him. She sat up, clasping her arms around her knees as she hugged them to her chest.

"Do you know a lot of Mando'a?" She asked.

"A bit... why?"

Thell shrugged, glancing back at the fire. "Well... I was wondering if you could teach me some." When she sensed him looking at her, she glanced back over and tilted her head. "My dad was Mandalorian. I know that doesn't necessarily make me Mandalorian either, but I want to know some of the language. I haven't... I haven't felt like I've had my own identity before. I guess I could start somewhere... I think we share that."

The comment had been a risk, but after seeing how he had been over the past week, Thell didn't expect him to get angry or storm off. In fact, it wasn't even her first thought.

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