Chapter Six: Nevarro

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"W... What?"

"Your necklace... This symbol, it's Mandalorian."

Thell's brows creased, and her mouth suddenly felt dry.

"My father... was he a Mandalorian?"

"I'm not sure... This looks like Clan Eldar, but they haven't existed for at least two decades. I don't know why your father would have this."

He let the necklace drop back against her tunic, but Thell could only pick it back up and stare at the gleaming metal. Her mind was ringing, her confusion suddenly turning to wonder, to curiosity. Who had her father been, truly? Was this some reason as to why her mother had never spoken about him?

But she couldn't think about it for too long, because suddenly the ship rocked under her feet and she was thrown to the ground. Knees collided with the steel flooring, bruising her skin, but she felt strong hands pulling her up by her arms, back up to her feet. Over the haze of the vision and the loud beeping ringing inside the Razor Crest, she could just make out Mando's mask in front of her. He was holding her shoulders, shaking her.

"Did you hear me?" He was practically yelling. "Get the kid, and get back up here!"

Thell sprang up from her seat, careening towards the staircase and throwing herself down into the cargo hold.

"Grogu!" She called, feeling the ship rock underneath her feet as she spotted the small green baby several feet from her. Once the kid was in her arms, she raced back to the cockpit, strapping him securely in the adjacent seat and fixing her belt next. The Mandalorian was strapped in as well, his gloved hands flickering over the control panel. Lights flashed above her head, and that incessant beeping continued until there was a constant buzz in Thell's ears.

"Hey!" Thell called over the noise. "What's going on?"

"A lone TIE fighter," Mando explained. "He must know about the kid... hold on."

With a jerk of his wrist, the Razor Crest plowed forward, diving in an arc that caused Thell to become pressed up against the seat. The next moment, it lurched backwards, and nausea rose in her throat. The beeping had stopped, but Thell could hear the excited squeals of the child beside her. At the moment that the Razor Crest flew stable again, she cast a glance to her side: the kid had his tiny hands raised, his large eyes scrunched in pure joy. She would have laughed, would have nearly smiled had a loud explosion above her head caused the ship to lurch forward again. Mando cursed, something in a language that Thell didn't recognize, before slamming a handle up and sending them flying into hyperspace.

Thell was jerked forward again only to be slammed back against the seat, until finally, the ship lulled. The ground still vibrated beneath her feet, but they seemed safe for the moment. The beeping had stopped, but with his tense shoulders, Thell could tell that the Mandalorian was stressed. Her eyes flickered back to Grogu, who was playing happily with that same metal orb from earlier in the week.

"Mando?" Thell said softly, as not to stress him out more, and leaned forward when he didn't reply.

"Mando, what happened?"

"He hit one of the thrusters," he replied, but his voice was gruff as always. "We're going to have to land before that thing blows."

"Are we gonna be okay?" Thell asked, casting a quick glance at Grogu.

Suddenly Mando turned halfway in his seat, clasping her shoulder firmly. Something in his touch surprised Thell.

"We'll be fine. We're going to see some friends."

They landed on the volcanic planet Nevarro, just outside a small village. Mando was in the cargo hold while Thell had one arm wrapped around Grogu. The Mandalorian turned back towards her, pushing a blaster in her direction.

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