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Kian POV

I wasn't trying to abandon Jasmine. I wasn't trying to break her, infact I was trying to put her back together. But I kinda wish I thought out this trip better because I was already freezing my ass off and I barely had any food in my stomach. I was actually lost. I looked down at my dying phone and sighed. I needed to find our damn baby.

Some time later I woke up. I guess I fell asleep. I don't really know. I squinted at the sun. What have I gotten myself into? And how am I suppose to get the damn baby back anyway?  All this thinking and I ran into a tree.
"Ouchh fuck."
I rubbed my forehead and gasped. Hanging from the tree was a baby hat.
"Oh my god. Oh my god. Is this ...?"
"Oh shit, Kian Lawley is that you?"
I turned around to face this brown hair kid.
"Holy shit dude how've you been?"
Like I wanted to kill myself.  "I've never been better. Bro how've you been?"
"Kinda awesome man. So uh what are you uh doing ?"
I had forgotten I was looking at a tree "uh tree watching". ....

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