June 8th part1

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Kian POV

I had to take care of Ashley first. Surely this was a mistake right? I've been using condoms and I thought she was using Birth Control. I rushed over to her apartment and banged on the door.

"Kian baby! I think I'm ..."

I pushed her against the wall.

"Getting naughty are we?" Her fingers went below my belt buckle. Not this time. I grabbed her neck and looked her straight in the eyes.

"I thought we had a deal," I hissed, "You were suppose to use protection, your ass better not be pregnant."

"Oh Kian. I thought you would be exicted? Our bodies are banging so our baby should be good looking too."

I glared at her. "You're not fucking getting it are you. I love Jasmine. She's pregnant. Right now. In the hospital. She's in labor, I need to go to her ok? Actually this isn't up for discussion, I'm leaving."

She tilted her head to the side. Like she was retarted or something. "What are you saying?"

"I'M SAYING WE CAN'T BE TOGETHER! Shit what is not to understand?! You were the side hoe and now you've crossed the line."

She clicked her tongue. "I was afriad you would say that. You wanna hear something funny? I'm not even pregnant. Isn't that just hilarious? I just wanted to see if you loved me. Do you?"

"You psychotic slut, we fucked like twice why the hell would I love you? I would love for you to fuck off, yeah? Get out of my way now."

"Awee honey you're really not getting it are you?"

"The fuck getting what?"

She pulled out this canister, which I soon realized was pepper spray. She sprayed me right in the eyes. "I loved you Kian Lawley, you're mine and always will be. Nobody is going to get in the way of that."

"JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE HELL? YOU MOTHERFUCKER! MY EYES!" I doubled over in pain, releasing my grip on her. She took that as an advantage and jabbed me with a stun gun. Man was this chick crazy.

When my head stopped spinning I realized that I was in some kind of hole, alone, and in the dark.

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