Therapy Secession Part 1

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Cameron POV

"I WASN'T a bad friend. I was actually an amazing friend. I've been there for him, right after Trashmine stomrmed out on him, I WAS THE ONE TO CALM HIM DOWN! NOT ANYONE ELSE! NOT THOSE ASHOLES HE LIVED WITH... ME!"

"Cameron I'm going to need you to calm down ok?"

I glared at her, than took three deep breathes. She was my therapist afterall. I was paying her to help me.

"Tell me about the first time you fell for Kian."

"Easy, Janurary 9th 2012. We were meeting for the first time and all I could think about was his lips. And his voice. And.. other things. But I had never felt like this before."

"And what did you feel for him?"

"Love. I loved him. They say that love at first sight doesn't exist but I'm telling you it does."

She scribbled somethings down on her pad. "So how did you approach him?"

"What kind of stupid question is that? I talked to him, we became friends and stuff."

"But he wasn't into guys right?" She clicked her pen.

I shook my head. "Neither was I. I loved him but not love love him. You know? I found that out about a year ago. I've seen what he does to those girls."

"And what does that exactly mean?"

I smirked. "You should hear them in the bedroom. They would be screaming his name. He would hit it so hard, they could barely walk the day after. They would have crazy hickeys. Most of them hidden, but he always does this one thing. He leaves one giant hickey right underneath the jaw. Like a mark, that he smashed that ass."

She nodded her head slowly. "And.. you wanted that?"

"No you clueless rat. I wanted to be his. Just his."

"His.. what?"

"HIS. " I clenched my jaw so tightly I thought it might snap.

She cocked her head slightly. "I don't quite follow..."

I jumped from my chair. "Ofcourse you don't! OFCOURSE! I wanted HIM TO WANT ME, NEED ME! HOW ARE YOU NOT SEEING THIS!"

She caught her breath. "Mr. Dallas, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down."

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