Therapy Secession Part 2

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Cameron POV

I smiled. "My bad." I sat back down. "I just wanted to be his Jasmine, if you will. Someone he actually loved. He used those insecure sluts. If they didn't see this, they must have been blinder than helen keller."

"I see. You wanted to.. marry him?"

"What the fuck kind of therapist are you anyway? Are you trying to anger me?"

"I'm here to help you Cameron." She said each word slowly.

"Ok. I guess, I don't know I think I'm losing my mind. I cant stop thinking about him. I ... I need him."

"But he has a life of his own. In fact he has Jasmine, or Trashmine as you call her. You need to realize that you may need him, but he most certainly does not need you. In fact he will never need you like that Cameron."

"Well aren't you a condescending cunt. You're wrong, like you've been wrong all along. All of you are the fucking same. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS!" My voice was breaking.

"Mr. Dallas, your language.."

"He NEEDS ME." Deep breath in. "He does. I've been watching him for a long time now. He's lonely. He needs someone to open up to. He needs help. He always forgets to hide the condom wrappers, so I hide them for him. You know so Trashmine doesn't know he's cheating on her." I smiled. "Sometimes he leaves the light on in his room. I turn in off for him. I'm there for him. I always have been, and always will be." I paused for a second. "Sometimes at night when he's asleep I'll stroke his hair and tell him daddy is here. Those are my favorite times."

"Do.. did.. are you INSIDE of his HOUSE?"

I smiled even wider. "Yes silly. How else can I protect him? Be with him?"

"Mr. Dallas you are aware that is called..."

"Stalking? I know. And I live for it. The rush, all of it, I LIVE for it."

"I'm .. I'm going to have to report you. It seems like you need more help than I can provide." Panic was rising in her voice.

I pulled a gun from my back pocket and smiled. "No. No actually I don't think you're going anywhere. Let alone report me."

Her voice quivered, "And why.. why can't I?"

I pointed the gun at her and she held her breath. "Because you will be too dead to talk."

I pulled the trigger and walked out of the room without looking back.

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