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Cameron POV

I guess I was a little bummed that I was a wanted fugitive, but other than that I was great. Kian had returned to the hospital to comfort Jasmine. I felt bad for him, I really did. He was wasting his time with this... this girl. I never understood girls. I walked up to the front desk and flashed that classic Cameron Dallas smile.

"Hi. I'm here to see Jasmine... I've heard about her loss and I just wanted to talk to her."

"Uhm... sir you are going to have to show some ID.. if that's alright with you."

The assisant at the front desk was already falling for my trap. I dyed my hair black and was wearing sunglasses. But when she went to check for ID, I grabbed her wrist.

"Sweetheart please, this is urgent. She's my sister."

She was totally baffled. "Uhm sure room 109 on your left."

I winked at her and walked to room 109. I could hear her gasp for air. Shaking my head I went inside to see Jasmine and Kian.

"Hello sis!" I smiled. the nurses in the room glanced in my direction."Could you give a second please?" The nodded quickly and went out the door.

"Whoo.. who are you?"

Apparently she didn't reconigze me.

"Jasmine stay back it's Cameron."

I clicked my tongue. "You might not want to do that. I pulled out my gun from my coat pocket and shot the security camera. I casually went over to the door and locked it.

"Cameron please..."

"I just want to talk, don't make this hard."

Kian stepped forward, fists balled at his sides.

"Ah ah Ah. Another step and I blow a nurses head off."

"He's bluffing Jasmine..."

I looked through the window and shot a nurse. There were screams, and panic.

"Still bluffing?"

"Please stop this madness Cameron... please Kian and I can help you..."

"NO YOU CAN'T!" I marched forward and grabbed Kian by the neck. "Listen carefully beause I'm only saying it once. Come with me or else I'll shoot her."

"Why.. why would I go with a fugitive?"

"Because I can get you your baby back."

Jasmine gasped. "You know where he is?"

"Kian comes with me. You get your baby back. Simple enough for you? Now we have 10 minutes before the cops arrive. If you don't make up you'll mind before they get here I'll blast..."

"I'll go. Cameron I'll go. Just stop with this madness. Please."

"Kian you don't.."

"Yes I do. It's going to be ok Jasmine."

I dragged Kian out of the hospitial and into the back of my stretch.

"Get us off the grid." I kicked my feet back and offered Kian a drink.

"Where are you taking me?"

I smiled. "What's the rush? It's not like you're sharing a ride with a very dangerous murderer, your baby is missing, or your ex is a crazy bitch... oh wait it is. You're life is a mess and all you can do is follow me."

"I .. Cameron ... why are you doing this?"

"Because I loved you Kian, and you broke my fucking heart."

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