28- Stronger

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Saint walked around to her side of the car and opened the door for her. Once she got out he placed a hand on her lower back and guided her to her gates.

"You had fun?" He questioned with a blunt hanging from the side of his mouth. Curioss shrugged and hummed.

"That ain't an answer shordy use ya words."

She rolled her eyes, "Yes I had fun Ka'deem."

"Good, c'mere," He pulled her in for a kiss and smiled once they pulled apart.

"Keep safe."

Saint walked towards his car. He watched as she opened the gates and walked towards her door, going in, before he drove off.

When Curioss entered the house she was greeted by Reina and Mehki's sulked expression.

"Why y'all look so sad, y'all ain't happy to see me?" She teased. Curious placed her purse on the table and removed her sunglasses.

"Y'all messing up my good mood."

"Where's mom?" She questioned. Tears rolled down Mehki's chin and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Reina," She trailed off then sat her eyes on Mehki once again. "Mehki why're you crying?"

"Where's mom? I brought something for her." Reina shook her head and the tears came bursting out.

"No," She averted her gaze and took a step back. "Mehki?"

She bobbed her head with a hand over her mouth as she silently cried.

"No! Stop fucking lying!"

"It's true Curioss, she died this morning from a seizure, we were almost on our way to the hospital when she-"

They always said that sometimes crying is the only way your eyes speak when your mouth can't explain how broken your heart it.

Boy, were they right.

Curioss's legs had given up on her and dropped down to floor. She wrapped her arms around her body as she cried heavily.

"She said she'd be okay, she said she'd be here when I get back."

She'd lost her soulmate, her bestfriend.

She kept opening and closing her eyes wishing that it was all just a dream.

But the more she realizes it's not, the faster her tears came sliding down.

"If you're worried about me don't be, I'm fine I'll be here when you get back baby, I'ma always be here."


A week later

"How are you?"

She stated with no hesitation, "I'm fine."

Monique looked up from her notebook, her glasses dropping at the process.

"Dying, hurt, save me, trapped in my own mind, suicidal. That same fine you're referring to has alot of meanings, so tell me which one is it?"

"Trapped in my own mind."

Monique placed a reassuring hand on her knee. "I'm sorry about your mother, I didn't know her personally but seeing her on the billboards and fashion weekly magazine she looked like a good person."

"She was," Her voice slightly cracked and she cleared her throat causing Monique to remove her hand.

"I know you're hurti-"

Curioss cut her off, "I'm not hurting, for the first time in a long time I don't feel anything and even if I did I don't know what it is."

"Life goes on, whether you believe it or not,"

"I wish it would just stop! I'm tired of all the restless nights, I'm tired of all the pain, the struggles-everything!"

"Struggle is born of success, you might be struggling now but ten years from now you're going to be looking at how life used to be to how it is now and trust me, you'll see the difference."

She let out a long, raspy sigh and ran a hand over her face. "I just hope you're right."

To her, looking back at her life would be a blessing. Life was truly a bitch that didn't fight fair.

A day without pain, hurt, sorrows would be another blessing. Ofcourse, she had happy days but those happy days were only temporary, she wanted never ending days filled with nothing but joy.

She knew God had a plan for her but that doesn't stop the thoughts from squeezing in.

"Curioss, god has a plan."

"Just because he has a plan does not mean it's going to be easy, that is what I'm afraid of."

Monique quietly observed her. She knew the pain that came from losing a love one all too well. She had lost Pee's father in a car crash when he was just three years old.

"I know you miss her, but it's not yet the end of your story, it's just the end of her part in your story."

"You think I don't know that?" She screamed. "I think about it everyday, for three weeks! She promised she'd be there when I came back. If only I told Saint no."

Monique raised an eyebrow when she heard her called him by his street name, instead of his government.

"Do you blame him Curioss?"

She looked up at Monique, "I blame myself."

"And Saint."

"I was away getting drunk making a bullshit toast to a better tommorow, not knowing life had other plans for me. How can I have a better future if she's not in it. I was so blinded by Saint's affection it made me look away from her! I wasn't there when she muttered her last few words, I wasn't." She let out a soft gasp as hot tears came out.

"It's not his fault," She reached out to touch her shoulders but she moved away from her. "It is! I wish he'd just left me alone."

Curioss was hurt. Although a part of her knew it wasn't Saint's fault. She wanted someone to blame. She felt that if he never had reassure her that her mother would be good she'd never took his offer, instead, she'd turn him down.

She needed some time alone from him. She couldn't face him as of yet. It was all too much to take it in. She'd been ignoring him for three weeks.

For the week he'd been stopping by but Reina or Remnick would always cover for Curioss but on the third week he'd stopped coming.

Her mother's funeral was tomorrow. It was sad knowing that she was being put to rest. A hole was in her heart and it felt as if she was slowly bleeding out and no matter what she did she could never cover it up.

"You are stronger than you look and you are stronger than you think." Monique said and for the first time in a long time she believed. She finally believed the words that came from her mouth.

She finally came to realization. She finally saw how life had been knocking her down and how she'd always got up ten times stronger.

Afterall, God only gave the strongest battles to his strongest soldiers.

She had found her strength and now it was time for her to find happiness.


whew, this was hard
for me to write.


𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐲 𝐄𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 | 𝐝𝐞Where stories live. Discover now