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Even with sharing my mind with others, I still can’t communicate with them. Iruka thought, feeling lost while carrying a bag full of items ranging from books to crafting materials. Even after the big breakfast and spending time learning English, he could barely say anything clearly to the others. Naruto, on the other hand, had gotten Lander mostly down speaking wise by noon, leaving Rue and Toe to assist at the mansion and continue learning the language.

Should I be proud or jealous of my student?... Can I even call Naruto my student now? Iruka let out a small sigh. After a night of rest and letting everything set, it wasn’t hard for Iruka to see his role has reversed with Naruto’s. He was learning how to live in a brand new world from his student with others. His student was now the teacher. Even with helping Shiroe, Naotsugu, and Na with gathering information and buying the supplies, Iruka kept feeling small and helpless.

I want to help more, but I have just become a child again. Iruka looked up before stopping with seeing a paw in his face.

“Oie! Iruka-sensei, you home, nya?” Na asked, giving a pout at the Monk. “What are you brooding about, nya?” Na tapped her umbrella on her shoulder. Iruka looked back, seeing a slightly worried face on both Shiroe and Naotsugu, both also carrying bags like Iruka.

“I’m fine. Just still processing this place.” Iruka said with continuing on.

“No, you aren’t. You always brood when you're worried, nya. Which you don’t do often, nya” Na said, determination in her eyes. “Tell me what is wrong or I will see how much I can look into people’s private thoughts against their wills. Maybe see if you stare at Ayame-nee’s butt while she cooks when you treat me to ramen, nya.” A devilish grin formed on the Werecat’s face.

“F-Fine!” Iruka stuttered with a slight blush, Hell  to the no. I don’t want him to know I checking out Teuchi’s daughter! “I already said it. I am still taking this all in. I mean, you do realize I was a Chunin teaching kids how to take down enemies and sneak into places just yesterday before everything turned into this. Now I am a… kid.” Iruka sighed in defeat.

“And I am a Wereat who owns land and technically a noblewoman where as the day before I was a hated prankster kid, nya” Iruka gave Naruto a nasty glare. “That’s not what is bothering you… Don’t tell me you are still frustrated with learning English.” Iruka flinched, looking away. “Thought so, nya.”

“You would be too if you weren’t a dead language prodigy,” Iruka sighed before hearing a yelp and a thud. He turned around, giving a sympathetic look to the now downed mage, his items scattered on the broken up ground they were standing on. Thankfully, none of it landed in the pond. Iruka sighed, though hearing a tap. Huh?... Did something went up high and just landed behind Naotsugu? Iruka thought in confusion, watching Na pick up the items and Naotsugu help Shiroe up.

“Sensei, no one can learn a language in a day. Even with the best memory in the worlds, nya” Na chuckled, though spoke to Shiroe in the English real quick. “However, I was right on Lander being closed to English. It’s like a cross of English, French, and Spanish, so I am picking up quickly, nya. But, I still got a long ways to go before I can get to speaking normal sentences. Right now, all I can managed is broken sentences and some embarrassing phrases. Got one maid to blush heavily this morning due to accidently making a crude Lander reference, nya”

“Wait, really?” Iruka asked, blushing with remembering seeing said maid trying to calm down this morning in a panic. Ah, would I make such mistakes?

“Yes. Just like how I kept practicing at throwing kunai and failing, you will have to try and fail with learning English as well, nya. I mean, you’re a teacher. You should know you gotta fail to learn. It’s just never giving up that makes it stick, nya.” Na chuckled at the now embarrassed Iruka. “You will get frustrated. I did when I got into Elder Tales and couldn’t understand a lick anyone was saying, nya. However, I didn’t beat myself over it, nya. Instead, I blazed my own path and learned English in the process. I learned the hard way that you just got to see the hard things in life as just a stepping stone and can lead to adventures if you look at it the right way, nya.”

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