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Authornote: Quick authornote, but only to give a bit of a warning. If you are not up to date with Season 2, especially last episode, this chapter goes into major spoiler terrority and further chapters beyond this. So, if ya don't want spoilers, you might want to catch up with the series. If you don't care or caught up, I hope you enjoy this chapter, especially considering where this is headed.

"Straight up. Left far."

"Owch!" Na couldn't help to but chuckle as Touya ended up on the ground due to a sweeping kick from Iruka. "No fair!"

"Fair. Learn." Iruka roughly said, though holding his hand out to help the Samurai up.

"But, you don't have to be so rough!" Touya snorted before getting hitting across the head. "Ow!"

"Monsters rough." Iruka said, chuckling while pointing at the Crescent Moon Alliance members fighting off a Triffid, killing it as other beginners watch. Touya sheepishly chuckled, seeing other members of the support guild kiting weaker monsters to the area now that the higher level Triffids were taking care of.

"Iruka is a true hero, Touya," Toe chuckled, ready for battle in his armor. "There's more to fighting than swinging a sword around. With being a tank, you also have to be the wall that keeps the bad guys at bay."

"But, why do you have two shields?" Touya said, pouting at the Guardian. "Shouldn't you have a weapon?"

"I do. I duel wield shields." Toe chuckled, tapping his shields together. "Shields are also weapons. However, many heroes don't realize that."

"That and it depends on the play style." Naotsugu jumped in. "Both Toe and I are Fortress style, hence we need the high defense to make it work. Just remember you need to get your taunts in before you comrades pick up aggro."

"Right, Naotsugu-sensei!" Touya saluted as the other beginners stopped their warm up exercises and focused on the monsters they were about to fight. "Time to fight! Hah!" Touay ran right at the goblins and swung his sword. Iruka smacked his forehead when a goblin easily parried Touya and knocked him down.

"I was that bad, huh?" Na chuckled, getting a nod from Iruka as the other beginners joined into the brawl, saving Touya from the goblins jumping him.

"Is this alright? Letting them go without any tactics?" Iruka asked, frowning at Na and the other high level Adventurers.

"It's more to give them a chance to get over fighting monsters. That's why we gathered all the Goblins we could under level 15." Rue answered, adjusting her glasses while looking over the beginners.  "We asked for Crescent Moon Alliance's assistance so we have enough people to assist them if things get out of control and can heal someone if they get too hurt."

"I understand... Just, I thought we needed to ingrain party tactics."Iruka sighed, slumping with seeing Touya knocked down again with Isuzu stopping an attack aimed for the downed Samurai and his sister used her healing spells to heal her brother.

Of course. But, sometimes, it's best to let them learn the hard way the zerg tactic rarely works. Na snickered, letting Naruto observe the beginners with Rue and Toe. However, seems all the lessons are definitely benefiting. They aren't randomly using their skills and auto-attacks. Even Touya is trying to taunt and draw enemies away, though needs to learn you don't have to always charge first to do it. We will probably help them level up before focusing on party tactics. It doesn't work well trying to learn from low level monsters due to a party can easily wipe them out without a wink of trouble even in a bad group.

"Thank you so much for helping us!" Maryelle chimed, walking over. "I was a bit worried about letting the beginners in my guild fight. I mean, with the aura in the city, it's been gloomy."

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