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A mess of colors and shapes shifted, making no sense of direction. Pain burning throughout his body, especially his head as a war went on inside. A war he could not tell who or what was winning was tearing up his body. "Sasuke-kun? A-Are you alright?"

Whose Sasuke? A thought formed before his thoughts came back out of the pain. Oh, yeah. I'm Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke pondered over how the hell he forgotten his own name. Though, with how much his body was screaming in agony, he could see why his brain shut down. He opened his eyes, finding his teammate Haruno Sakura and what looked to be a silver hair scarecrow.

"Shit!" Sasuke lunged forward, grabbing onto what he hoped was a trashcan. He heaved, his intestines burned as what was left of his lunch left him. His head pounded even worse than before.

"Seems the young bachelor has discovered the rule 'If in doubt, throw it out.'" Sasuke couldn't even muster a glare at the overdressed shinobi. Though thankful for the man holding him up and keeping him from falling over.

But, what the hell did I eat to make me this sick? Sasuke rubbed his forehead in hopes of some relief of any on his symptoms. The flashes of colors and shapes in his vision wouldn't go away. They seemingly tormented him with keeping the nausea going. Not even rubbing his eyes help-

Hold on. Sasuke moved his hand in and out of his vision. Even though his hand did leave his field of vision, the colors and shapes were outside of said vision. With focused, his eyes widen in shock, finding the shapes and colors becoming focused and forming-

Was the Yamanaka girl experimenting on me again! Sasuke was about to put that one girl on the same level of the man he wanted to murder. Sure, Sasuke did not mind fan girls, but who the hell experiments on their crush? That was one Sasuke did not want to find out except with finding Yamanaka Ino. How else could it be I am viewing several... Ah, wait, how could I be viewing several people's memories at once and it being fast forwarding at the same time?

It was queer and nauseating seeing this images in his visions. There were people, but the way they were dress... Was, well funny to a ninja like him. Samurai and shrine maidens were explainable. But, there was also a weird guy wearing a cloak well made and seemed more fit for a simple royal uniform than for travel. Then another guy in armor he never seen, as if made of solid plates instead of segmented for a samurai. Many more figures of different sizes and clothing Sasuke never seen. And why is it moving so fast? Sasuke gulped down a twitch in his throat. It seem like his vision was now that of a security camera, human version.

"Well, considering you puked before we could begin, I'm Hatake Kakashi. I'm your Jonin-sensei." Sasuke fought back trying to glare at the man. It seemed moving his vision the slightest hit him with a wave of nausea. Just looking at Kakashi form the corner of his eye, Sasuke could see the man only had a lazy right eye exposed. And in an eye smile, no less.

Is he a human scarecrow? Sasuke thought, deciding the man before him was accurately named. However, Sasuke realized he had somehow teleported from the academy classroom Sakura and he was in to the infirmary.

"Here, Sasuke-kun," Sasuke found a cup before him and took it. He gulped down the bitter medicine, hoping for relief of his sour stomach. Or to take out the pain his whole body was now aching with.

"Dammit! Why the hell can I not connect to his-Oh! Now I got it! Sasuke flinched, gripping his head in pain. "Crap. Let's clear this up before making the Teme even more sick." A voice rang in Sasuke's head. It was greeted with a sigh of relief from Sasuke. The images disappearing and allowing the nausea to begin to settle.

"Alright. Let's see. Sakura-chan, check. Creepy-cool Konoha ninja I know I seen somewhere yet can't remember, check. Academy infirmary, check. Yep. Back home and without a body to boot! Lovely!" Sasuke slowly looked around for the voice. Could Sasuke call it a voice? It sounded familiar, yet not there. Yet there?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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